The project is a practice of Data Structure course in RUC,2023-2024 S3. The project is written in C++. And it contains the basic data structure and some labs. Another feature is the HTMLParser.It can parse the HTML file and get the content of the file.
The followings are located in /DataStructure/
- Dynamic List
- Single linked list
- Pair
- Queue
- Stack
- String methods
- TreeTraverse methods, including iteration and recursion of preorder, inorder, postorder.
in lab1.cpp
, the interface shows all the functions I implemented, which include:
- input one or more strings
- operate on the appointed string
- Split the input-strings into a List of words by space, punctuation(both Chinese and English).
- insert a word into the List by index
- delete a word from the List by index or value
- reverse the appointed string.
- get the length of the appointed string.
- get the counts of the appointed word in appointed string.
- Support Chinese!!!
Please move to /HTML_Parser/