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A site-specific framework for comprehensively deciphering selective landscape in the cancer genome.

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CN/CS-calculator is a site-specific selection pressure analysis method designed to capture selective pressures acting across different gene sites. The rationale behind CN/CS-calculator lies in the recognition that not all variants within a gene contribute equally to oncogenic processes, with some variants driving cancer progression while others are constrained by functional requirements.

CN/CS-calculator consists of three modules. With the input cancer somatic mutation information, the first module of CN/CS-calculator computes the selection pressure at the gene level, where CN/CS > 1 denotes gene under positive selection while 1-H < CN/CS < 1 denotes that only several sites are under weak positive selection. Then, for each positively selected gene, the mutational landscape of different amino acid sites is inscribed using a two-component mixture module, which models the proportion of driver component ($\eta$) and passenger component ($1 - \eta$) in a gene. Finally, for the site components computed by the second module, the third module calculates site component-specific selection pressure Ωdriver and Ωpassenger, respectively.


tar -zxvf CNCScalculator-2.0.tar.gz
cd CNCScalculator
python install

Analysis Steps

  1. Choose specific version of Ensembl reference data (eg. TCGA(75_GRCh37.p13))
  2. Data preprocessing for input (eg. collect mutation data from TCGA(.maf))
  3. Site-specific selection pressure prediction steps as follows:
    1. choose calculation model (collect mutation profiles from TCGA data for mutation-profile based model)
    2. choose specific version of sequence data (.fas)
    3. load genetic code file
    4. perform CNCSPipe
    5. output files in your path


Files required (information of protein coding genes, mutation rate profile file, protein coding sequences, genetic code) is included in the package. You can change the files if necessary.


from CNCScalculator import CNCSPipe,cncs,H_test,two_component_cncs
## Help information
## CNCSPipe(mut_file:str,alpha:float,out_cncs:str,out_gene:str,out_site:str,out_two_component_cncs:str,out_H_test:str)

## cncs(mut_file:str,outputfile:str,arg:list = [])

## H_test(mut_file:str,alpha:float,out_cncs:str,out_H_test:str)

## two_component_cncs(mut_file:str,alpha:float,out_cncs:str,out_two_component_cncs:str)

Input File

Mini Sample:

Hugo_Symbol Consequence Variant_Type HGVSp_Short Gene Feature HGVSc
TACC2 missense_variant SNP p.T38M ENSG00000138162 ENST00000369005 c.113C>T
JAKMIP3 synonymous_variant SNP p.D723D ENSG00000188385 ENST00000298622 c.2169C>T
PANX3 missense_variant SNP p.R296Q ENSG00000154143 ENST00000284288 c.887G>A
SPI1 missense_variant SNP p.P127T ENSG00000066336 ENST00000227163 c.379C>A
NAALAD2 missense_variant SNP p.R65C ENSG00000077616 ENST00000534061 c.193C>T
FAT3 synonymous_variant SNP p.P3444P ENSG00000165323 ENST00000298047 c.10332G>A
MTERFD3 missense_variant SNP p.L213S ENSG00000120832 ENST00000552029 c.638T>C
BTBD11 missense_variant SNP p.E770K ENSG00000151136 ENST00000280758 c.2308G>A
NOS1 upstream_gene_variant SNP . ENSG00000089250 ENST00000338101 .

Output File

Result of cncs.txt

  • Title
Gene_id nonsynonymous_site synonymous_site nonsynonymous_count synonymous_count nonsynonymous_site_with_mutation CN CS CN/CS p_value
  • Explanation
    • CN/CS: the ratio of nonsynonymous mutation to synonymous mutation
    • p_value: the p value of chi-continency assert whether null hypothesis of $C_{N}/C_{S} = 1$ can be statistically rejected

Result of gene.txt

  • Title
Gene_id Transcript_id Gene_name Chr Max_hit Count Protein_length Distribution Mut_sites f0 mean variance m0 m1 eta LRT_p-value Q(z)
  • Explanation
    • f0: nohit in aa length
    • mean: mean of $z$
    • variance: variance of $z$
    • m0: the recurrent rate of somatic mutations at a passenger site
    • m1: the recurrent rate of somatic mutations at a driver site
    • eta: $\eta$, the probability of any site being a driver in a gene
    • LRT_p-value: the p value of approximate likelihood ratio test for the null hypothesis that all sites are passengers ($\eta = 0$)
    • Q(z): $Q(z) = P(driver|z)$, the posterior probability of an amino acid site being a cancer-driver when the number ($z$) of somatic mutations is observed at this site

Result of site.txt

  • Title
Gene_id Transcript_id Gene_name Chr Protein_position z Q(z) Protein_mutation M(z) Omega(z)
  • Explanation
    • z: the count of somatic missense mutations at a site
    • M(z): the posterior mean of recurrent mutations at the site where $z$ mutations are observed
    • Omega(z): the site-specific selection pressure at the site where $z$ mutations are observed

Result of H_test.txt

  • Title
Gene_id Transcript_id Gene_name Chr CN/CS 1-H H_test Htest_p_value
  • Explanation
    • 1-H: $H$ is a relative measure of evolutionary rate variation among sites
    • H_test: the comparison of $1-H$ and $C_{N}/C_{S}$
    • Htest_p_value: the p value of chi-continency assert whether null hypothesis of $C_{N}/C_{S} = 1-H$ can be statistically rejected

Result of two_compo_cncs.txt

  • Title
Gene_id Transcript_id Gene_name Chr Omega Omega_p Omegadri Omegapass Omegapass_p
  • Explanation
    • Omega: $C_{N}/C_{S}$ ratio of this gene
    • Omega_p: the p value of chi-continency assert whether null hypothesis of $C_{N}/C_{S} = 1$ can be statistically rejected
    • Omegadri: $\Omega_{dri}$, $C_{N}/C_{S}$ ratio of driver sites of the gene
    • Omegapass: $\Omega_{pass}$, $C_{N}/C_{S}$ ratio of passenger sites of the gene
    • Omegapass_p: the p value of chi-continency assert whether null hypothesis of $\Omega_{pass} = 1$ can be statistically rejected

Build-in Data File

│	...
│   │
│   │
│   └───data
│       │   genetic_code.txt
│       │   human_TCGA_match_GRCh37.fas
│       │   pancancer_mutation_rate.txt
│       │   TCGA_match_GRCh37.cds
    │	....

genetic_code.txt symonymous or non-synonymous in codon mutation

human_TCGA_match_GRCh37.fas fasta file of human genes (GRCh37)

pancancer_mutation_rate.txt Pancancer rate of Ref mutate to Alt

TCGA_match_GRCh37.cds cds information of human genes


Xun Gu [email protected]

Zhou Zhan [email protected]


A site-specific framework for comprehensively deciphering selective landscape in the cancer genome.






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