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ROS node and test application for ETLIDAR

Visit EAI Website for more details about ETLIDAR.

How to build ETLIDAR ros package

1) Clone this project to your catkin's workspace src folder
2) Running catkin_make to build etlidar_node and etlidar_client

How to run ETLIDAR ros package

There're two ways to run ETLIDAR ros package

  1. Run ETLIDAR node and view in the rviz

roslaunch etlidar_ros lidar_view.launch

You should see ETLIDAR's scan result in the rviz.

  1. Run ETLIDAR node and view using test application

roslaunch etlidar_ros lidar.launch

rosrun etlidar_ros etlidar_client

You should see ETLIDAR's scan result in the console


ip (string, default:

2d tof lidar ip.

frame_id (string, default: laser_frame)

frame ID for the device.

angle_min (double, default: -150)

Min valid angle (°) for LIDAR data.

angle_max (double, default: 150)

Max valid angle (°) for LIDAR data.

range_min (double, default: 0.035)

Min valid range (m) for LIDAR data.

range_max (double, default: 64.0)

Max valid range (m) for LIDAR data.

ignore_array (string, default: "")

Set the current angle range value to zero.

Upgrade Log

2018-12-5 version:1.0.1

1.fix angle resolution error

2018-12-5 version:1.0.0

1.2D tof Lidar ros package