ROS node and test application for ETLIDAR
Visit EAI Website for more details about ETLIDAR.
1) Clone this project to your catkin's workspace src folder
2) Running catkin_make to build etlidar_node and etlidar_client
There're two ways to run ETLIDAR ros package
- Run ETLIDAR node and view in the rviz
roslaunch etlidar_ros lidar_view.launch
You should see ETLIDAR's scan result in the rviz.
- Run ETLIDAR node and view using test application
roslaunch etlidar_ros lidar.launch
rosrun etlidar_ros etlidar_client
You should see ETLIDAR's scan result in the console
ip (string, default:
2d tof lidar ip.
frame_id (string, default: laser_frame)
frame ID for the device.
angle_min (double, default: -150)
Min valid angle (°) for LIDAR data.
angle_max (double, default: 150)
Max valid angle (°) for LIDAR data.
range_min (double, default: 0.035)
Min valid range (m) for LIDAR data.
range_max (double, default: 64.0)
Max valid range (m) for LIDAR data.
ignore_array (string, default: "")
Set the current angle range value to zero.
2018-12-5 version:1.0.1
1.fix angle resolution error
2018-12-5 version:1.0.0
1.2D tof Lidar ros package