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Units (Measurement)

Nodoka "Nikki" Hanamura edited this page Sep 6, 2022 · 1 revision


YSFlight and YSFlight Community Edition back-end uses standard SI units, but allows for users to see measurements in a variety of units and allows for performance data to be entered in a variety of units. Whatever allowable unit the user enters, the backend will convert it into standard SI units.

Types of Units

Type Units YSFlight Unit
Length Foot (ft)
Meter (m)
Inch (in)
Centameter (Cm)
Statute Mile (sm)
Nautical Mile (nm)
Meter (m)
Area Square Inches ($in^2$),
Square Meters ($m^2$)
Square Meters ($m^2$)
Weight Kilograms (kg)
Pound (lb)
Tonne (t)
Newton (N)
Newton (N)
Speed Mach
Kilometers Per Hour (km/h)
Meters per Second (m/s)
Knots (kt)
Meters per Second (m/s)
Angle Degrees (deg)
Radians (rad)
Radians (rad)
Power Horsepower (HP)
Jules per Second (J/s) a.k.a. Watts (W)
Watts (W)
Time Seconds (s) Seconds (s)

Unit Conversions

YSFCE uses the following equations to convert units to the default units used for internal calculations

Type Unit Equation Output
Weight kg $kg \times g$ N
Weight lb $lb \times0.453597 \times g$ N
Weight t $t \times1000 \times g$ N
Speed Mach $340 \times Mach$ m/s
Speed km/h $\frac{1000}{3600} \times km/h$ m/s
Speed kt $\frac{1852}{3600} \times kt$ m/s
Angle deg $\frac{\pi}{180} \times deg$ radians
Area $in^2$ $0.000645 \times in^2$ $m^2$
Length in $0.0254 \times in$ m
Length ft $0.3048 \times ft$ m
Length km $1000 \times km$ m
Length Cm $100 \times Cm$ m
Length sm $1609.0 \times sm$ m
Length nm $1852 \times nm$ m
Power HP $740 \times HP$ W
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