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Releases: YaLTeR/bxt-rs


11 Nov 16:33
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What's Changed

  • On Windows, bxt-rs now searches for patterns from multiple threads, speeding up the startup time (e.g. from 2.5 s to 0.4 s).
  • Fixed V_CalcRefdef hooks on some mods like Opposing Force.
  • Added bxt_skyname and bxt_skyname_force to change the skybox by @khanghugo.
  • Added bxt_fix_widescreen_fov by @khanghugo.
  • Added _bxt_cap_skip_non_gameplay_frames that will skip some non-gameplay frames from the recorded video by @khanghugo.
  • Added campath loading, playback and export (bxt_campath) by @khanghugo.
  • Added bxt_lightstyle and bxt_lightstyle_custom by @khanghugo.
  • Added bxt_emit_sound by @khanghugo.
  • Added Tracy profiling integration when the BXT_RS_PROFILE_TRACY environment variable is set.

TAS Studio Improvements

This bxt-rs release's TAS editor requires Bunnymod XT starting from Nov 11 2024.

  • Implemented camera view editing by holding the right mouse button, like in the BXT TAS editor by @khanghugo.
  • Added support for new hltas features: pitch overrides and max accel yaw offset editing by @khanghugo.
  • bxt-rs now forces m_rawinput 1 more aggressively, which is required for the TAS studio.
  • The status HUD now shows frame bulk FPS in addition to frame time.
  • Added frame X and Y speed to the status HUD.
  • During mouse adjustment, the status HUD shows info for the last frame of the adjusted frame bulk by @khanghugo.
  • Opening a TAS now pauses right away instead of playing it back.
  • Added bxt_tas_studio_select_next/prev.
  • Made bxt_tas_norefresh_until_last_frames work with the TAS studio by @khanghugo.
  • Added bxt_tas_studio_replay_views that visually replays the camera views without a full playback by @khanghugo.
  • Camera smoothing now also smooths the pitch angles by @khanghugo.
  • Fixed some issues with freecam.
  • Increased the default line width to 2.
  • Mispredicted frames are now truncated when watching the TAS playback.
  • Fixed unfocused playback in CS 1.6 by @khanghugo.
  • Fixed lag when editing due to slow writing to the bridged .hltas file.

Optimizer Improvements

  • Added bxt_tas_optim_change_pitch.
  • Frame count is now mutated across any two frame bulks, not just two adjacent ones.

Full Changelog: 4.0...5.0


23 Jul 12:18
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TAS Editor 2

This is a new version of the BXT TAS editor, rebuilt from the ground up with big usability improvements and bug fixes. Watch the video introduction and getting started:


Highlights include:

  • Undo/redo system which is unlimited and persistent: even after restarting your game, you can undo all the way back to the start of the TAS.
  • Branches for easy comparison of different routes.
  • Manual HLTAS editing through bridged file synchronized with the in-game editor in real time.
  • Integration with the TAS optimizer.
  • You can always edit the entire script, not just the part after the playback stop.
  • No save command: all changes are automatically saved to disk as soon as you do them in-game.

TAS editor 2 commands and console variables are called bxt_tas_studio to avoid the naming collision with the BXT TAS editor. Hence, the alternative name is TAS Studio.

Video Recording with Motion Blur

Set bxt_cap_sampling_exposure to a value above 0 and up to 1 to enable motion blur. It works the same way as in HLAE and hl-capture, but very fast thanks to GPU acceleration with Vulkan.

Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 3.1...4.0


03 Sep 20:04
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Fixed video capture crash with loud sounds (the glitched gauss charge sound when you pass a changelevel on Steam) by @hobokenn in #47.


01 Sep 03:18
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Thanks to @hobokenn, @SmileyAG and @mxpph for helping with this release!

TAS Brute-Force Optimizer

Added a brute-force optimizer for TASing. It works by randomly adjusting a part of the TAS and keeping better results. The optimizer can use prediction (fast but inaccurate), or multiple game instances to run the TAS.

Video explaining how to use the optimizer:


All functionality, console commands, and variables are now documented. Read the documentation on the wiki page or in-game with the bxt_help command.


Other Changes

  • Added bxt_cap_slowdown for recording slowed-down video without audio distortion, similar to how playdemo slowdown works.
  • Added bxt_disable_loading_text to disable drawing of the LOADING line.
  • Removed the TAS sound RNG fix module: it was implemented in Bunnymod XT where it belongs better.
  • bxt_force_fov no longer allows values below 1.
  • Replaced the profiling functionality from rust_hawktracer to tracing. Profiling is now present in all builds; start Half-Life with the BXT_RS_PROFILE environment variable set to enable it. bxt-rs will then output a trace.json file in the Half-Life folder, which you can view in Perfetto or in chrome://tracing.
  • Vulkan debugging is now present in all builds and can be enabled by starting Half-Life with the BXT_RS_VULKAN_DEBUG environment variable set.
  • Removed debug information from release builds as it was significantly increasing binary sizes, while not being all that useful.


31 Dec 06:49
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Thanks to @hobokenn and @SmileyAG for helping with this release.

  • Regular bxt-rs now works seamlessly with Bunnymod XT. Removed bxt-compatibility builds as they are no longer needed.
  • Added video recording support for pre-SDL (4554) and some WON (1600) engines.
  • Added the ability to bxt_cap_start output.wav to only record audio.
  • Fixed video recording crash when using -nosound.
  • Added a fix for bxt_play_run sometimes exiting to the main menu in the middle of playing demos recorded with Bunnymod XT.
  • Added bxt_tas_recording_start and bxt_tas_recording_stop which record real-time gameplay into a .hltas. This mostly works fine, but longer recordings, especially ones that depend on the RNG, will eventually desync.
  • Added a fix for non-deterministic sound RNG during TAS playback (already added it to Bunnymod XT too).
  • Added a fix for non-deterministic un-stuck time during TAS playback.
  • Renamed bxt_taslog to bxt_tas_log to avoid a conflict with Bunnymod XT.
  • Added non-shared RNG state dumping to bxt_tas_log.
  • Added _bxt_rng_set to set the non-shared RNG state. Mainly useful for debugging as some initialization based on the non-shared RNG happens at engine start, which setting the non-shared RNG state at runtime doesn't help with.
  • Added support for more engine versions for the rest of the functionality.


20 Aug 14:40
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First release.

Thanks @hobokenn, @chinese-soup, @SmileyAG, @Margen67 for helping out with development.