The purpose of the library is to abstract the downloading (images, pdf, zip, etc) and caching of remote resources (images, JSON, XML, etc) so that client code can easily "swap" a URL for any kind of files ( JSON, XML, etc) without worrying about any of the details.
= iOS 8.0 .
- Using Blocks
- Async Load Data
- Async Load Images
- Can be used Directly with UIImageView
- Using load More.
- Nice UI and Animations
use it via Pods
pod 'AsyncDownloader', :git => ''
Confgiure Max Cache & Ignore/Use cached Data
AsyncDownloader.Configure(ConfigBuilder{builder in
builder.maxCacheMemory = 50
builder.isIgnoreCaching = false
Fetch Get URL
let requestConfig : RequestConfig = RequestConfig{ builder in = ""
builder.loadingMessage = "Loading"
builder.isShowLoadingView = true
builder.loadindView = view
Async Load Image
- Singletone { AsyncDownloader , OnlineController }
- Builder { ConfigBuilders }
- [JGProgressHUD] ( )
- [SwiftyJSON] ( )