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YairHalberstadt edited this page Oct 22, 2020 · 4 revisions

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Module Registration

Instead of having to repeat all your registrations for every single container, you can create reusable bags of registrations using a module, and then only register the module with your container to import all the module's registrations.


To create a module, just add any registrations to a type, exactly like you would to a container.

The only difference is that Instances, Factory Methods and Decorator Factory Methods on a module must be either public and static, protected, or protected internal.

Registering a module

To register a module us the [RegisterModule] attribute, defined as follows:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)]
public class RegisterModuleAttribute : Attribute
    public RegisterModuleAttribute(Type type, params Type[] exclusionList);

    public Type Type { get; }
    public Type[] ExclusionList { get; }

The first parameter is the type of the module to register.

You can the optionally add a params list of types to exclude from the module.

When you register a module, you import all of the registrations from the module, except for any that provide instances of types specified in the ExclusionList, and any non public static members.

Modules can register other modules.

Inheriting from a module

You can also inherit from a module. This is functionally the same as importing the module, except that you also import protected and protected internal members.


using StrongInject;

public class A { }
public class B { public B(A a) { } }
public class C { public C(B b, int i) { } }

public class ModuleA { }

[Register(typeof(A), Scope.SingleInstance)]
public class ModuleB { }

public class ModuleC
    private int _i;
    public ModuleC(int i) => _i = i;
    protected C CreateC(B b) => new C(b, _i);

[RegisterModule(typeof(ModuleB), typeof(A))] // Have to exclude A, as otherwise we will have multiple conflicting registrations for A
public partial class Container : ModuleC, IContainer<C> // By inheriting from ModuleC we import the protected method CreateC
    public Container(int i) : base(i) { }