- What is this anyway?
- See this for the inspiration behind the game
- It's a short story, but communal!
- A simple story telling game based on taking the last guy's idea and running with it. Created with rails and deployed via heroku.
Where is this anyway? Click here to use the app
- See button on the top left of the page.
- You write something.
- then somebody else does.
- Continue from where the last person left off.
- Made using:
- Ruby 2.7.6
- PostgreSQL 14
- jQuery
- Project status
- MVP version 1 in working order, page reloads every three seconds to make sure the feed is updated regularly in case multiple people are using the site at once.
- Where to next?
Additional features I hope to include are:
In the Immediate Future:
- A markov chain generative text button
- Animation to soften transitions between screen states.
In a Possible Future:
These will be implemented if/when needed.
- Multiple posts going at once
- Sign in's and admin's
- An option for a user to create additional rules or themes for a post