A C# Entity .NETCore API for Students and Classes, using Swagger, Authentications and SQLServer.
This project uses C# Asp.NET-Core with Swagger, containing Authentications/Authorization with JWT Bearer Token. For the database: SQLServer.
To run the project you'll need to have installed:
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
The API have some methods that can be accessed with Token Authorization by Login route. To do so, you'll need to provide a login information that matches in database.
After getting the token, you need to authorize the access to methods by the button "Authorize" in the header of SwaggerUI, for example:
> Bearer TokenKey
The methods access without token authorization is not possible.