PlentyChess 1.0.0
This is the biggest release of PlentyChess so far, shipping (D)FRC and MultiPV support.
Performance vs. PlentyChess 0.3.0
Elo | 139.43 +- 3.31 (95%)
Conf | 8.0+0.08s Threads=1 Hash=16MB
Games | N: 25004 W: 11963 L: 2435 D: 10606
Penta | [20, 570, 3548, 6590, 1774]
Elo | 137.16 +- 4.44 (95%)
Conf | 40.0+0.40s Threads=1 Hash=64MB
Games | N: 12502 W: 5659 L: 965 D: 5878
Penta | [3, 196, 1697, 3814, 541]
The following improvements have been made since version 0.3.0:
- Much stronger and larger neural network
- Various search improvements
- Much improved time management
- Many speedups
- More accurate eval normalization
- Added hashfull to the UCI output
- Added support for the UCI movestogo parameter
- Multiple fixes regarding zobrist keys, as well as other bugfixes
Binary guide
- generic: Slowest
- avx2: Faster, compatible with most modern CPUs
- bmi2: Faster, includes avx2, not recommended for Zen1/2 CPUs
- avx512: Fastest, includes bmi2
Note: The binaries include 2 bug fixes and have been built from commit 1d8b4fe