PlentyChess 2.0.0
Performance vs. PlentyChess 1.0.0
Elo | 61.20 +- 3.49 (95%)
Conf | 8.0+0.08s Threads=1 Hash=16MB
Games | N: 20000 W: 6995 L: 3508 D: 9497
Penta | [40, 1356, 4318, 3649, 637]
Elo | 49.14 +- 4.76 (95%)
Conf | 40.0+0.40s Threads=1 Hash=64MB
Games | N: 10000 W: 3144 L: 1739 D: 5117
Penta | [2, 744, 2253, 1849, 152]
This version includes the following improvements compared to version 1.0.0:
- Multithreading improvements due to thread voting
- Much stronger NNUE architecture featuring king buckets
- Many small improvements to the search algorithm and move selection
- UCI "Ponder" option
- Various bugfixes, including ones that were affecting strength
Binary guide
- generic: Slowest
- avx2: Faster, compatible with most modern CPUs
- bmi2: Faster, includes avx2, not recommended for Zen1/2 CPUs
- avx512: Fastest, includes bmi2
A big thank you to the members of my new OpenBench testing instance for our great collaboration.