Terraform module for creating AWS EC2 instances with Docker and Docker Compose installed.
# docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
image: nginxdemos/hello
- "80:80"
# main.tf
module "aws-dockercomposehost" {
source = "[email protected]:/buildo/terraform-aws-dockercomposehost.git"
project_name = "project-name"
ssh_key_name = "existing-key"
in_open_ports = [80]
By default a custom cloud watch configuration will be used.
If you want to specify a different one, just give a value to the variable var.cloudwatch_agent_config
# main.tf
module "aws-dockercomposehost" {
source = "[email protected]:/buildo/terraform-aws-dockercomposehost.git"
project_name = "project-name"
ssh_key_name = "existing-key"
in_open_ports = [80]
cloudwatch_agent_config = "cwagentconfig.json"
These resources are always created:
- A EC2 instance
- A Security Group
- A Security Group Rule for port 22/tcp
- A Security Group Rule for each port / port range specified in variable
- A IAM Role called "${var.project_name}-instance-profile"
- A IAM Profile called "${var.project_name}"
These resources are created if their variable is set
Resource | Variable |
A CloudWatch Alarm for disk space utilization | disk_utilization_alarm_enabled == true |
A Route53 record | zone_id && host_name |
- Missing data are treated as "breaching", but the cloudwatch agent needs time to begin to collect data. This way the alarm is always triggered. Solutions?
- Isn't better to have directly an AMI built with something (Packer?) with docker and docker-compose installed?