Hysteria 2 One-Click Installation Script
If you are using Cloudflare, do not turn on the CDN service.
This script uses ACME to automatically apply for certificates, so please make sure that port 80 is available. You can use the following command to determine:
lsof -i :80
bash <(curl -Ls https://qwq.mx/hy2)
# or
bash <(curl -Ls https://github.com/missuo/Hysteria2/raw/main/hy2.sh)
Enter the port (default: 8443):
Enter the domain:
Enter the password (default: Hy2Best2024@):
🇺🇸 NodeName = hysteria2, us.example.com, 8443, password=Hy2Best2024@, sni=us.example.com, download-bandwidth=600
Manually fill in according to the information you entered.
Hysteria2 © Vincent Young, Released under the MIT License.