Import assets including (sub)directories to Pimcore 5 or 6 via the command line.
Pimcore 5 or 6
composer require youwe/pimcore-asset-importer:~1.0
To view the available arguments and options:
./bin/console help youwe:import:assets
./bin/console youwe:import:assets /path/to/files/ --rootPath /Images/ --batchSize 10 --deleteOriginal --updateAssets
- Import assets from the /path/to/files/ directory.
- Into the Pimcore /Images/ asset folder.
- Import 10 assets at a time (not counting (sub)folders). Useful for automated import.
- Once successfully imported the original file is deleted within the /path/to/files/ directory (required for batch import).
- Assets are updated if they already exist (based on file name).