1. Datasets.
1- Download the ISIC 2017 train dataset from this link and extract both training dataset and ground truth folders inside the /data/dataset_isic17/
2- Run Prepare_ISIC2017.py
for data preparation and dividing data to train,validation and test sets.
1- Download the Spleen dataset from this link.
1- Download the CVC-ClinicDB dataset from this link.
D. Prepare your own dataset
- The file format reference is as follows. (The image is a 24-bit png image. The mask is an 8-bit png image. (0 pixel dots for background, 255 pixel dots for target))
- './your_dataset/'
- images
- 0000.png
- 0001.png
- masks
- 0000.png
- 0001.png
- Prepare_your_dataset.py
- images
- In the 'Prepare_your_dataset.py' file, change the number of training sets, validation sets and test sets you want.
- Run 'Prepare_your_dataset.py'.