Jiarui Xing A01354731
Student Name: Jerry Xing
Student Set: 1D
The /admin page redirects to the /login page if not logged in.
The /admin page shows an error message if logged in, but not an admin.
The /admin page shows a list of all users.
The /admin page allows for promoting and demoting users to/from admin type.
All pages use a CSS Framework like Bootstrap (you must incorporate a header, footer, responsive grid, forms, buttons).
The site uses EJS as a templating engine.
Common headers and footers are shared across all pages.
Code used within loop is templated using EJS (ex: list of users in admin page).
The members page has a responsive grid of 3 images.
Your site is hosted on Render or other hosting site.
50/50 (Total grade out of 50, 5 marks each x 10 items)
*Note items are considered fully complete (marked with an x inside the box: [x]), OR incomplete (box is left empty: [ ])