Jiarui Xing
Student Name: Jerry Xing
Student Set: 1D
Cards flip when clicked
If the user clicks on the same card twice, do nothing.
If the user clicks on a card that is already matched, do nothing.
If the user clicks on a card while two cards are already flipped, do nothing.
Winning Event is implemented. If a user clicks on all the cards, display a winning message.
The Header is showing the number of clicks the user has made, and the number of pairs left, number of pairs matched, total number of pairs, and game timer.
Start and Reset buttons are added to the game.
Difficulty levels are added to the game.
Themes are added to the game.
Power-up logic is added to the game.
50/50 (Total grade out of 50, 2 marks each x first 4 items, 7 points each thereafter)
*Note items are considered fully complete (marked with an x inside the box: [x]), OR incomplete (box is left empty: [ ])