Instagram Analysis on 1100 Instagram Users from Kaggle
- People who get likes the most
- People who post the most
Most people 64% (700 from 1089 users) send 200 posts which is the maximum post per user in this data
- Is the people who send many posts also get many likes?
People who got likes more likes than average likes that people get is 136 of 1089 people
- On what month people usually send post the most?
January is month when people send post the most - Is good for posting post sequential? Based on like score
Likes score will decrease until 8% if the user send post sequentially The idea is sorting data based on user uuid and date posted, I want to compare the data today and yesterday, is there any increment in the like score. If there is an increment, then I labelled it to true, vice versa. To drive conclusion, I calculate how much true (like score increases), and how much the false I got the false is more than the true ones
The next question is how much is the impact of sending posts sequentially? To answer that question, I make calculation on:
(avg Likes Score value of sequential post - avg Likes Score value of non sequential post) / avg Likes Score value of non sequential post
- Can Likes Score derive from Likes?
Likes Score didn't related to likes and days passed for post