A positive volume preserved dymanic mesh method using Delaunay Graph method with auxiliary point and iterative strategy.
Usage: DGM-AUX.exe -i input-grid-file -d deforming-file -o output-tecplot-file [-n number-of-aux-pnt]
Where, number-of-aux-pnt is optional and has default value of 80. Please see *.bat
file in testcase for more detail.
Supported input grid file format:
- UGRID(*.ugrid)
Deforming file format (ASCII):
N1 DX1 DY1 DZ1
N2 DX2 DY2 DZ2
Nn DXn DYn DZn
where, Ni is nodal id(one-based), DXi/DYi/DZi is the displacement value of node i.