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Luyu Liu edited this page Sep 16, 2023 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the ZLEComp wiki! If you have not downloaded ZLEComp, download it and try it!


  • Style: the structure style of the compressor
  • Bypass: whether bypasses the compressor effect, can be used to switch on/off without clips
  • Output
    • Out Gain (dB): the amount of gain applied to the output signal
    • Mix (%): the percent of wet(compressed) signal
  • Configuration
    • audio glitches may happen when the following parameters changes
    • Over Sampling: the rate of over-sampling
    • RMS (ms): the length of buffer used in RMS calculation
      • when RMS (ms) equals zero, the peak value is used instead
      • when Segment (ms) is non-zero, the RMS (ms) will be forced to an integer multiple of Segment (ms)
    • Lookahead (ms): the length of look-ahead
    • Segment (ms): the length of sub-buffer
      • when Segment (ms) equals zero, each sub-buffer contains one sample
  • Computer
    • Threshold (dB): the threshold
    • Ratio: the ratio
    • Knee Width: the width of the knee
    • Knee Depth: the depth of the knee
    • Knee Slope: the slope of the knee
    • Bound (dB): the maximum absolute value of compression
  • Detector
    • Side Gain (dB): the amount of gain applied to the side-chain signal
    • Attack (ms): the attack time
    • Release (ms): the release time
    • Ext: whether uses the external input as side-chain
    • Audit: whether audit the side-chain
    • (Attack) Style: the style of attack
    • (Release) Style: the style of release
    • Smooth: the percent of smooth applied to attack & release
    • Stereo Link: the percent of link between the left & the right channel


Process chain

flowchart TB

B1 --> CL(Latency Compensation) --> C[Dry Signal] --> Y(Out Gain) --> Z[Main OUT]
A1[Main IN] --> B1(Lookahead) --> one --> M[Resized Main Buffer] --> three --> I[Wet Signal] --> Y
A2[Side IN] --> B2(Side Gain) --> one
  subgraph one[Resize]
    direction LR
    C2(Up Sampling) --> D2(Segment Push)
  subgraph two[Gain Calculator]
    direction LR
    E(Tracker, Computer and Detector)
  subgraph three[Resize]
    direction LR
     D3(Segment Pop) --> C3(Down Sampling)
  one --> S[Resized Side Buffer] --> two
  two --Gain--> three
A0[Aux IN] -. External? .->A2
A1 -.Internal?.-> A2
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