This server software for MCPE, is a new server software, attemped to be made by Zeao. A spoon / forks of mainly GenisysPro. (Our goal: Updating to MCPE v1.2.0)
- Test to see if this server software works. ✖
- Update, fully to 1.2.0 ✖
- Allow both compatible files (pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol) and (pocketmine\network\protocol) to work, so older plugins can work aswell as newer plugins. ✖
- Customenchants ✖
- CustomPotions ✖
- Xbox live authentication ✖
- make Mob AI complete. ✖
- Add CustomUI, as the new 1.2 update. ✖
- Add download link ✖
- Mob spawners ✖
- And more soon.