Auto generate dataset
Auto train models by YOLOV5
Most problems we meet in our daily life is the simple image classify problem.Although it's easy to train, we still spend a lot of time in dataset searching, model training and so on.To help us quickly establish the dataset and train our dataset, I write this notebook.The user who want to train their own image classify model can use this notebook to make the train effiently.
It's extremely simple to use this.User only need to modify the search_terms. For example, if we want build a model that can identify the
"郁金香", "月季", "红玫瑰", "白玫瑰", "绿萝", "蝴蝶兰 ", "康乃馨", "杜鹃花", "万年青", "薰衣草", "水仙花", "梅花", "马蹄莲", "君子兰", "金银花", "鸢尾花", "百合花", "昙花", "天竺葵", "牡丹花"
We just write down in the search_terms and the notebook will auto establish the dataset from the image search API. Then we use YOLO command line to train this model.