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Author: ZaMeR12

Important note:

The base of the structure of the repository and the code is from the youtube channel named Under Ctrl.

WARNING: The bot was an personnal project, so there can have some issue and not totally tested yet about all the fonctionnalities.

What is this discord bot?

This discord bot have for purpose to manager the league and the badges of informations of a user in a discord's server. Especially for server who use an RP minecraft Pixelmon server. WARNING: The bot doesn't creates roles either administrate the server like moderator bot.

Important stuff:

.env file:

You have to create and .env in the root of your derver to manager the bot. There is an example of it in the .envExample

## Connection to the bot account ##

## Discord server id ##

## Bot id ##

## Connection to MongoDB ##

To know all each variables mean you can watch the tutorial of Under Ctrl

Server NodeJS:

the application is coded in NodeJS. So you have to implement all the files in a server who can run NodeJS.

Classic way to run the bot:

In the server terminal

node ./src/index.js

Result expected:

node ./src/index.js
DB connected
✅ <Bot username> is online.

Lists of pokemon's types and discord's role for gym leaders

These lists can be edited by the dev depending the need in the file Lists.js at the path src/utils/Lists.js.

module.exports = {
    // List of all persmissions roles for badges
    rolesPermission: [
        "Gym Leader - Water",
        "Gym Leader - Fire",
        "Gym Leader - Grass",
        "Gym Leader - Ice",
        "Gym Leader - Fairy",
        "Gym Leader - Psychic",
        "Gym Leader - Ghost",
        "Gym Leader - Poison",
        "Gym Leader - Steel",
        "Gym Leader - Dark",
        "Gym Leader - Ground",
        "Gym Leader - Normal",
        "Gym Leader - Flying",
        "Gym Leader - Bug",
        "Gym Leader - Electric",
        "Gym Leader - Fighting",
        "Gym Leader - Dragon",
        "Gym Leader - Rock"
    //List of all types of pokemons
    listTypes: [

IMPORTANT: The order of each type of leader need to follow the same order of the list of pokemon's type and with the same number of items for each to not create logic error in the bot.

Database choice:

I decide to choose MongoDB as database server.Why? Because the SQL format for this case of database can make it limited to the number of user. Than MongoDb use json base for the database, so it's just the size of the database that affect performance. (I want to mean by that in general)

So you have to take in consideration to use a cloudserver that use MongoDB. Sorry, people who wanted to manage all the database in the same place of bot.

An exemple of the model of the database can be found at the file model_DB.json at the path /src/database/model_DB.json.

	"discord_id": "521369475812365948",
	"badges": [
			"type": "fire",
	"inscryption": "2023-09-24T07:58:52.580+00:00"

Explaination of the model:

  • _id:
    • Type: ObjectId/String
    • Usage: The identifier for each document that correspond to each account of user (trainer)
  • discord_id:
    • Type: String
    • Usage: The discord's id of the user to identifiate it to it's account.
  • minecraft_username:
    • Type: String
    • Usage: The username in minecraft that the discord's user.
  • isChampion:
    • Type: Boolean
    • Usage: Determinate if the user is an champion.
  • succeedLeague:
    • Type: Boolean
    • Usage: Determinate if the user succeed on the elite four (not won to the champion necessary)
  • inscryption:
    • Type: Date
    • Usage: The date of creation of the account.
  • badges:
    • Type: Array
    • Usage: The list of badges that the user have.

Discord's Slash commands:

Commands access:

Grade Access
Administrator All
Gym leader There commands + User commands
User User commands only
  • User:
    • /create: Create an account of the user
      • Params:
        • minecraft_username: The minecraft username of the user
    • /delete: Deleting the user account who call it
    • /account_date: Show the date of the creation of the account
      • Params:
        • hide: Boolean that can decide if you want to hide the reply.
    • /badges: Show the user badges infos
      • Params:
        • hide: Boolean that can decide if you want to hide the reply.
    • /league: Show the user league infos
      • Params:
        • hide: Boolean that can decide if you want to hide the reply.
    • /minecraft_pseudo: Show the minecraft username of someone. (who have an account)
      • Params:
        • user_tag: The discord's tag of a user
  • Administrator1:

    • /badges_info: Do the samething that the /badges but can select another user.
      • Params:
        • user_tag: The discord's tag of a user
    • /creation_date_info: Do the samething that the /account_date but can select another user.
      • Params:
        • user_tag: The discord's tag of a user
    • /league_info: Do the samething that the /league but can select another user.
      • Params:
        • user_tag: The discord's tag of a user
    • /edit_minecraft: Edit the minecraft username of someone
      • Params:
        • user_tag: The discord's tag of a user
        • minecraft_username: The minecraft username of the user
    • /edit_league: Edit the validation of if the user succeed the league
      • Params:
        • user_tag: The discord's tag of a user
        • value: Boolean that indicate the validation
    • /edit_champion: Edit the validation of if the user is a champion
      • Params:
        • user_tag: The discord's tag of a user
        • value: Boolean that indicate the validation
    • /delete_user: Do the samething that the /delete but can select another user.
      • Params:
        • user_tag: The discord's tag of a user
  • Gym Leaders2:

    • /add_badge: Be able to add the badge of their type
      • Params:
        • type: The type of the badge the user want to add to someone
        • user_tag: The discord's tag of a user
    • /delete_badge: Be able to delete the badge of their type
      • Params:
        • type: The type of the badge the user want to delete to someone
        • user_tag: The discord's tag of a user


  1. Administrator can have more options and right on commands of others grades

  2. The gym leaders can only do these commands with their associate type.


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