Pre-release[2797,"using jarvis with authentication doesn't work anymore after upgrade to 3.2",["bug 🐛","#prio:HIGH ❗","#status: implemented-locally 🛠️","v3.2"],"CLOSED"] [2804,"Compatibility check and testing for node.js 22",["feature 🌟","#status: implemented-locally 🛠️","v3.2"],"OPEN"] [2815,"[3.2.0-rc.5] Geräteliste leer wenn "Gewerk" gelöscht wird",["bug 🐛","alpha / beta 🚧","#status: implemented-locally 🛠️","v3.2"],"OPEN"] [2836," [v3.2.0-rc.5] "fälschlicher Hinweis" auf Pro Features",["bug 🐛","#status: implemented-locally 🛠️","v3.2"],"OPEN"] [2840,"State Explorer - Eieruhr des Todes",["bug 🐛","#status: implemented-locally 🛠️","v3.2"],"OPEN"] ### v3.2.0-rc.8 (2024-11-15) #### feature 🌟 (1 changes) - added Compatibility check and testing for node.js 22
(#status: implemented-locally 🛠️, v3.2, #2804) #### bug 🐛 (3 changes) - fixed [3.2.0-rc.5] Geräteliste leer wenn "Gewerk" gelöscht wird
(alpha / beta 🚧, #status: implemented-locally 🛠️, v3.2, #2815) - fixed [v3.2.0-rc.5] "fälschlicher Hinweis" auf Pro Features
(#status: implemented-locally 🛠️, v3.2, #2836) - fixed State Explorer - Eieruhr des Todes
(#status: implemented-locally 🛠️, v3.2, #2840)