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This repository is used to create simple applications based on Dear ImGui. It tries to keep dependencies to a minimum, and offer a fast and easy solution to build C++ apps with GUI.

Technical Details

This version of the App framework uses GLFW and OpenGL as backend. As a testing framework Catch2 is included. As buildsystem meson is used.

Dear ImGui Usage and Code Structure

In lib is the library code and in app are examples on the usage. The framework itself can be found here. It includes the necessary backend calls to GLFW as well as OpenGL. The color schemes and the window handler are also part of the framework. They can be overriden or adapted as needed.

An example of a app based on the framework can be found here. In order to develop a custom app, usually it is only required to adapt app.hpp. Additional source files that need compilation can be added in the meson application description.

Since it is often useful to have additional classes and tests for them, the testing framework CATCH2 is already included. An example of how to create an module and write tests is available here. It is important to add the subdirectory to the file in the root directory.


Running on a standard linux (e.g. Ubuntu)

The following packages are needed to run build and run the application:

apt-get install -y bash libglfw3 libglfw3-dev xorg-dev libxkbcommon-dev meson clang git cmake libssl-dev cmake

apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends wget build-essential libcurl4 && \
    wget && \
    tar -xvf curl-7.81.0.tar.gz && cd curl-7.81.0 && \
    ./configure --with-openssl && make && make install

Additionally, it is necessary to clone Dear ImGui and ImPlot:

    git clone --depth 1 --branch v1.88 /imgui
    git clone --depth 1 --branch v0.14 /implot

Useful commands for building and running the application.

# Setup the build directory
meson setup builddir

# Compile the application
ninja -C builddir src/app/sample_app/sample_app

# Run the application

# Run all tests
ninja -C builddir test
meson test -C builddir

# Running a specific test
ninja -C builddir src/app/sample_app/sample_module/sample_module_test && ./builddir/src/app/sample_app/sample_module/sample_module_test
meson test -C builddir -v sample_module_test

Running in Docker

This repository is designed for an easy-to-use and portable way to use Dear ImGui. It contains Dear ImGui and ImPlot. The application is compiled and run inside a docker container. During the execution of the application, the X-server of the host system is connected and the output display is forwarded to the host system.

The only requirement to run the sample project is docker and a Debian based Linux environment (e.g. Ubuntu) that runs X-server.

Install docker

To install docker you can find more information here

Using the install script allows easy installation of docker.

curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh ./ --dry-run


# Prepare the image
docker compose build

# Setup the build directory
docker compose run console meson setup builddir /code

# Compile the application
docker compose run console ninja -C builddir

# Run the application
docker compose run gui builddir/src/app/sample_app/sample_app

# Run tests
docker compose run console ninja -C builddir test
docker compose run console meson test -C builddir -v `test_name`

# Useful aliases
alias setup="docker compose run console meson setup builddir /code"
alias console="docker compose run console"
alias build="docker compose run console ninja -C builddir"
alias run="docker compose run gui"
alias all_tests="docker compose run console ninja -C builddir test"
alias test="docker compose run console meson test -C builddir -v"

The sample application is stored in app.hpp and can be extended. For a longer term development it is recommend to create an own application.

Docker Usage

Docker compose is used to setup two different services using the same docker image. The description of both services can be found in docker-compose. One service called console is used for any interaction where no gui is required. The other service called gui is used for commands that require gui output. gui is connecting to the X-server of the host system and forwarding the output to the display of the host system. E.g. the application is running inside the docker container, but the output is displayed for any normal appliciation.

The dockerfile provided creates an image including all necessary dependencies. If additional dependencies are introduced, it is necessary to adapt the dockerfile (docker image) accordingly.

Docker Troubleshooting

If you have problems getting the error message Glfw Error 65544: X11: Failed to open display :0 try running xhost + first in your console.

If you do not want to share the X server to the host, it is possible to disable the MIT-SHM support for the X server by creating a file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/disable-MIT-SHM.conf with the content.

Section "Extensions"
    Option "MIT-SHM" "Disable"

Afterwards it is possible to remove network_mode: host from the docker-compose.yml.

It's also possible to run without using xhost + by adding this snippet to the dockerfile:

RUN export uid=1000 gid=1000 && \
    mkdir -p /home/developer && \
    echo "developer:x:${uid}:${gid}:Developer,,,:/home/developer:/bin/bash" >> /etc/passwd && \
    echo "developer:x:${uid}:" >> /etc/group && \
    mkdir -p /etc/sudoers.d && \
    echo "developer ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/developer && \
    chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/developer && \
    chown ${uid}:${gid} -R /home/developer

USER developer
ENV HOME /home/developer


A dockerized version of Dear ImGui








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