Create an BEP20 Token with liquidity and tax fee in BNB, USDT and USDC with our full audited smart contract solidity code, 100% token ownership.
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this contract collect fees when holders buy, sell or transfer and devided the tax %50 will send to the marketing wallet in BNB and %50 will added to the liquidity pool
this contract collect fees when holders buy, sell or transfer and devided the tax %50 will send to the marketing wallet in USDT and %50 will added to the liquidity pool
this contract collect fees when holders buy, sell or transfer and devided the tax %50 will send to the marketing wallet in USDC and %50 will added to the liquidity pool
this contract collect fees when holders buy, sell or transfer and send all the tax to the marketing wallet in BNB
the contract use 0xfactory router to make swap to collect and give the tax and increase the liquidity, it cost fee of 0.0005 BNB per swap.