✨🍰✨A template repository for Python package projects.
~$ bash scripts/setup.sh
Enter package name []: template-package
Enter package path [template-package]: tempate_pkg
Enter package description [Python package template description]:
Enter package keywords (comma separated) [python]: python,template
Enter author name [Qi Zhao]:
Enter author email [[email protected]]:
Enter github username [Qi Zhao]:
Package information:
Name: template-package
Description: Python package template description
Keywords: python,template
Github username: Qi Zhao
Author: Qi Zhao
Email: [email protected]
Confirm changes? [Y/n]
Done. Please remember to modify 'install_requires' in 'setup.cfg'.
~$ bash scripts/install.sh --dev # Install editable package
~$ bash scripts/install.sh
~$ bash scripts/build.sh # Build package distribution
~$ bash scripts/publish.sh --dev # Upload to test PyPI
~$ bash scripts/publish.sh # Upload to PyPI
GNU General Public License v3.0
- Qi Zhao([email protected])