Releases: Ziang95/Tomasulo_simulator
Final version
Executable is in the zip file bellow.
To test spectre attack, victim.txt and attacked_code.txt are under the root path.
Spectre attack validated
Mocking the bug appeared in MIPS CPU,
.\victim_code.txt is the original code
.\attacked_code.txt is victim with attacker prefix
run them respectively and you will find different outcome of the same victim code segment.
Fixed a bug that reg values couldn't be displayed correctly
The previous release does not output int reg of odd index correctly.
Executable and test case
Simply run mips using any shell, (cmd or powershell)
Command format:
".\mips.exe .\test_case\Given_test_case.txt 3"
Where "3" is the debug level parameter (optional), set it between (1~4) to control how much debug output you want to see on screen