GPS recevie data including latitude and longitude, and then publish the data to baidu map web, and display location dynamic in 1s.
taobao link:
software:ubuntu and ROS
package Usage method: step1: download the software package into ros workspace
step2: apply a baidu map develeper account, and then modify roslibjs/example/BDMAP_v1_2_28.html, replace appid and key.
step3: run some cmdline as follows
$ roslaunch nmea_navsat_driver gpsStart.launch //start gps
$ roslaunch nmea_navsat_driver rosrecord.launch //if you want to record gps data, then start the nodes
$ roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch //launch brideg between ros and web
step4: run BDMAP_v1_2_28.html