Crypto-Update-Bot or CUB is a bot made with python for sending crypto alerts to users that sign up from telegram app. Crypto trading is one of the most trending things now and it's very inportant from traders to stay updated about the trades they do. CUB makes their life a bit easier as it sends crypto price and news alerts to users everyday.
CUB gathers some specific data about the specified crypto currencies which are-
- Market Name
- Rate
- Opening Price
- Daily change
- 3 days change
- Weekly change
- Monthly change
- Market cap
- Volume
- Crypto Rating (Project Health Rating)
- Crypto Score (Project Health Score)
In addition to these data it also provides relevant NEWS about the crypto currency. It makes sure that the bots subscribers are update to date with the current affairs of the crypto world.
Here's a sample snapshot of an alert from the bot -