- convNet folder: it's a python package containing all the functions and class relative to the custom implementation of the CNN.
- MNIST and CIFAR-10 folders: contains the training datasets.
- ConvNet-MNIST.ipynb: jupyter notebook that train a CNN using the custom implementation on the MNIST dataset.
- ResNet-CIFAR-10.ipynb: jupyter notebook that train a Residual Network using Keras on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
For the custom implementation and the residual network
- numpy
- sklearn
- pickle
- matplotlib
- time
- scipy
For the residual network
- keras
- tensorflow
Place the 'train.csv' corresponding to the MNIST dataset in the 'MNIST' folder.
Place the 'train' folder and the 'trainLabels.csv' containing the training image and labels in the 'CIFAR-10' folder.
To train a neural network using the custom implementation, you first need to load the conv_net class present in the convNet.conv_net module.
from convNet.conv_net import conv_net
import convNet.conv_net
Then you must initiate your model
model = conv_net()
Then set-up your CNN architecture using the different implemented layers
# Convolutionnal layer
model.add_conv(padding, # number of pixel to add around the image (zero-padding),
# not sure it actually works... keep it to 0
# Relu layer
# Batchnorm layer
# Maxpool layer
# Dropout layer
# Fully connected layer
Finnaly compile your model and train it!
# X must be shapped like (N,WIDTH,HEIGHT,CHANNEL)
# Y must be a numeric list of class (shape: (N))
b_size=100, # batch size
l_rate=0.001, # learning rate
n_epoch=20 # Epoch
You can save and reload your model using this functions (base on pickle module)
import convNet.imfunc as imf
# to make a backup
imf.save_object(model, 'model_MNIST.pkl')
# to reload a model
model = imf.load_object('model_MNIST.pkl')
A more complete exemple is given in ConvNet-MNIST.ipynb.