I use this to customize the look of urxvt.
- Solarized colors
- Firacode font
- Removed scrollbar
- Disabled bold font
I've enabled pathogen and the solarized colorscheme for vim. Also some small tweaks on the default .vimrc
Enabled oh-my-zsh and imported my own theme (mylambda.zsh-theme). Added some plugins, including...
A fork of joel-porquet's repository but with the latest updates to dircolors-solarized.
A very clean and simple oh-my-zsh theme.
- Displays the full name of the working directory.
- Displays a green lambda if last process had a good return status, and a red lambda if it had a bad return status.
- Shows information about git if you are in a git repository.
Configuration for the Awesome window manager.
- Loads and installs a volume control script made by deficient.
- loads my custom Beautiful theme (theme.lua).
- Only uses 4 of the default layout options (because 16 is too much!).
- Sets urxvt as the terminal opened by Awesome by default.
- Disables titlebars
An edit of the "default" Beautiful theme.
- Solarized colors
- Increases size of taglist squares
- Custom background image