通过 WebTorrent 分享视频/文件
share files via WebTorrent
通过 WebTorrent P2P 地分享文件
Share files via WebTorrent p2p network.
Video streaming with danmu!!
Watch files add/change/remove on specified path.
可能需要 node>=6.0 may need node>=6.0
npm install binux/webtorrent-share -g
webtorrent-share [options] [glob]
--port port of service
--danmu_server a [wilddog](https://www.wilddog.com/) (realtime message storage & push service) endpoint
默认会分享当前目录下的所有文件,你可以通过例如 webtgorrent-share '/downloads/**/*.mp4'
来指定分享 downloads 目录以及所有下级目录中的 mp4 文件
It will share every files in current path ./*
by default, you can specify the files by glob pattern:
e.g. webtgorrent-share '/downloads/**/*.mp4'
which means every mp4 in zero or more subdirectores under downloads folder.