This is a ROS2 library for simulating the Firebrid VI robot from NEX Robotics.
To set up and bring up various nodes in the robot's environment, follow the sequence of steps below. Each step is crucial for initializing different components, from the Gazebo simulator to the SLAM and navigation systems.
Start the Gazebo simulation environment along with the robot model. This will initialize the virtual robot in the simulated environment.
ros2 launch robot_description
This step brings up essential mapping nodes, including odometry and static transformations, which are foundational for localization and path planning.
ros2 launch ./src/mapping_bringup/launch/basic.launch
To enable SLAM, run the following command. SLAM is responsible for building a map of the environment while tracking the robot's position within it.
ros2 launch ./src/mapping_bringup/launch/firebird_slam.launch
Initialize the Nav2 navigation stack with the specified parameter file. This will enable autonomous navigation capabilities.
ros2 launch nav2_bringup params_file:=./src/firebird_navigation/config/nav2_params.yaml