Command line tool for managing single-purpose cloud VMs. Currently works with GCP.
Single command to provision cloud-based disk images with Ubuntu, NVIDIA drivers, Anaconda, PyTorch, FastAI and more..
Single command to attach a disk image, launch a cloud VM instance with any configuration of CPUs, RAM and GPU, and start Jupyter notebook.
Install the cloudman
package using pip
pip install cloudman
Note: If you get a
Permission denied
error, try installing with sudo permission (on Linux/Mac).$ sudo pip install cloudman
Another alternative is to try installing with the
flag, but you'll need to ensure that the target directory is added to your systemPATH
.$ pip install cloudman --user
requires the gcloud
command line tool to be installed. Make sure to complete these steps before moving forward.
CLI using this link: -
Make sure the
command is added to your PATH. -
Connect the
tool your GCP account by running:gcloud init
(Optional) Create a GCP project by running:
gcloud projects create PROJECT_ID
Replace PROJECT_ID with a unique name e.g. kitten-puppies-999 You can also use an existing project.
Activate a project by running:
gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
Open the cloud console by running:
cloudman console
Enable billing to start creating cloud VMs.
allows you to crate standalone boot disks which can be flexibly attached to any type of machine & GPU configuration.
Running the cloudman create
will create a boot disk of the given size, then install Ubuntu, NVIDIA CUDA libraries, Anaconda, Pytorch and FastAI deep learning libraries. By default, a 50 GB disk is created.
Here are some examples:
# Using default disk size of 50GB
cloudman create freesound-2019
# Custom disk size
cloudman create freesound-2019 --disk=100GB
Note that cloudman
creates a temporary VM instance to install all the required packages, and then deletes the VM, but retains the disk. It uses this shell script for setup.
You can launch an instance with the boot disk attached using the cloudman start
command. You can choose any combination of GPUs and machine types. You can also launch a CPU-only instance, which is the default. Also, you can choose whether you want a preemptible instance (enabled by default, to save cost), or a dedicated instance.
Here are some examples:
# CPU-only, preemptible
cloudman start jigsaw-ulmfit
# Same as the above command, but explicit
cloudman start jigsaw-ulmfit --gpu=nogpu --machine=auto --spot
# K80 GPU, dedicated
cloudman start jigsaw-ulmfit --gpu=k80 --nospot
Valid GPU types are: 'nogpu', 't4', 'v100', 'p100', 'p4', 'k80'
Valid machine types can be found here:
If machine type is set to 'auto', the tool automatically picks a reasonable machine type to match the GPU's RAM & cores. You can see the mapping here.
Once started, you can use the link to access the Jupyter server. Sometimes it may take a minute or two for the Jupyter server to start.
To SSH into a running instance use:
cloudman ssh jigsaw-ulmfit
Caution: Setup password for your Jupyter Notebook
$ jupyter notebook password
visit this for more details.
Use the cloudman stop
command to stop a running instance. Example:
cloudman stop jigsaw-ulmfit
To see the available boot disks and running instances, run
cloudman list
To delete a boot disk, run
cloudman delete jigsaw-ulmfit
This will stop any running instances and delete the boot disk complete. All your data will be lost, so be careful while using this.