To make a simple intruder alert system allowing monitoring of multiple points of entry with alarms triggered due to magnetic reed switches, utilizing a specialized RISCV processor.
The Magnetic Intruder Alert System with Multi-Door/Window Monitoring is a practical and versatile security solution that allows you to monitor multiple entry points in your home or workspace. This DIY project utilizes magnetic reed switches, LEDs and a piezo-electric buzzer to provide real-time feedback on which door or window has been triggered, alerting you to potential intruders or unauthorized access.
- Reed switches are attached to each door/window using magnets. When the door/window opens, the magnet moves away triggering the reed switch. Reed switches are connected to digital input pins. Each switch is monitored separately.
- Corresponding LEDs are connected to digital output pins - one LED per input switch. The RISC-V processor code continuously monitors the state of each input pin.
- When a pin reads 'LOW' due to a switch disconnection on opening of a door, the code lights up the respective LED. This helps identify visually which sensor/door has been triggered.
- A piezo buzzer is also sounded on detection for an audible alert.
// #include<stdio.h>
// #include<stdlib.h>
int main()
// int test0, test1, test2, test3;
int ledpin_mask[3] = {0xFFFFFFF7, // LED0 - 11111111111111111111111111110111
0xFFFFFFEF, // LED1 - 11111111111111111111111111101111
0xFFFFFFDF}; // LED2 - 11111111111111111111111111011111
int buzzerpin_mask = 0xFFFFFFBF; // BUZZ - 11111111111111111111111110111111
// Output pins
int buzzerpin = 0;
int ledpin[3] = {0};
// Input pins
int magpin[3] = {0};
// Registers for each outputs
int buzzer_reg;
int led_reg[3];
buzzerpin = 0;
buzzer_reg = buzzerpin*64;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //BUZZER
:"r"(buzzerpin_mask), "r"(buzzer_reg)
ledpin[0] = 0;
led_reg[0] = ledpin[0]*8;
ledpin[1] = 0;
led_reg[1] = ledpin[1]*16;
ledpin[2] = 0;
led_reg[2] = ledpin[2]*32;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED0
:"r"(ledpin_mask[0]), "r"(led_reg[0])
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED1
:"r"(ledpin_mask[1]), "r"(led_reg[1])
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED2
:"r"(ledpin_mask[2]), "r"(led_reg[2])
// asm volatile (
// "addi %0, x30, 0\n\t"
// :"=r"(test0)
// :
// :"x30"
// );
// printf("\nx30 reg value in setup = %d\n", test0);
// printf("During Setup: Buzzer = %d, LED0 = %d, LED1 = %d, LED2 = %d\n", buzzerpin, ledpin[0], ledpin[1], ledpin[2]);
// for(int i=0; i<1; i++){
// Read from the magnetic reed switches
asm volatile (
"andi %0, x30, 1" //MAG0
: "=r"(magpin[0])
asm volatile (
"andi %0, x30, 2" //MAG1
: "=r"(magpin[1])
asm volatile (
"andi %0, x30, 4" //MAG2
: "=r"(magpin[2])
// asm volatile (
// "addi %0, x30, 0\n\t"
// :"=r"(test1)
// :
// :"x30"
// );
// printf("\nx30 reg value before = %d\n", test1);
// magpin[0] = 0;
// magpin[1] = 0;
// magpin[2] = 0;
buzzerpin = 1;
buzzer_reg = buzzerpin*64;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //BUZZER
:"r"(buzzerpin_mask), "r"(buzzer_reg)
ledpin[0] = 1;
led_reg[0] = ledpin[0]*8;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED0
:"r"(ledpin_mask[0]), "r"(led_reg[0])
buzzerpin = 1;
buzzer_reg = buzzerpin*64;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //BUZZER
:"r"(buzzerpin_mask), "r"(buzzer_reg)
ledpin[1] = 1;
led_reg[1] = ledpin[1]*16;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED1
:"r"(ledpin_mask[1]), "r"(led_reg[1])
buzzerpin = 1;
buzzer_reg = buzzerpin*64;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //BUZZER
:"r"(buzzerpin_mask), "r"(buzzer_reg)
ledpin[2] = 1;
led_reg[2] = ledpin[2]*32;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED2
:"r"(ledpin_mask[2]), "r"(led_reg[2])
if(magpin[0] && magpin[1] && magpin[2]){
buzzerpin = 0;
buzzer_reg = buzzerpin*64;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //BUZZER
:"r"(buzzerpin_mask), "r"(buzzer_reg)
ledpin[0] = 0;
led_reg[0] = ledpin[0]*8;
ledpin[1] = 0;
led_reg[1] = ledpin[1]*16;
ledpin[2] = 0;
led_reg[2] = ledpin[2]*32;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED0
:"r"(ledpin_mask[0]), "r"(led_reg[0])
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED1
:"r"(ledpin_mask[1]), "r"(led_reg[1])
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED2
:"r"(ledpin_mask[2]), "r"(led_reg[2])
// asm volatile(
// "addi %0, x30, 0\n\t"
// :"=r"(test2)
// :
// :"x30"
// );
// printf("\nx30 reg value after = %d\n", test2);
// printf("After one loop: Buzzer = %d, LED0 = %d, LED1 = %d, LED2 = %d\n", buzzerpin, ledpin[0], ledpin[1], ledpin[2]);
return 0;
To obtain assembly code type the following commands in the terminal:
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -ffreestanding -nostdlib -o out intruder_detector.c
riscv32-unknown-elf-objdump -d -r out > asm.txt
The below asm.txt
file is obtained:
out: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text:
00010054 <main>:
10054: fb010113 addi sp,sp,-80
10058: 04812623 sw s0,76(sp)
1005c: 05010413 addi s0,sp,80
10060: ff700793 li a5,-9
10064: fcf42c23 sw a5,-40(s0)
10068: fef00793 li a5,-17
1006c: fcf42e23 sw a5,-36(s0)
10070: fdf00793 li a5,-33
10074: fef42023 sw a5,-32(s0)
10078: fbf00793 li a5,-65
1007c: fef42623 sw a5,-20(s0)
10080: fe042423 sw zero,-24(s0)
10084: fc042623 sw zero,-52(s0)
10088: fc042823 sw zero,-48(s0)
1008c: fc042a23 sw zero,-44(s0)
10090: fc042023 sw zero,-64(s0)
10094: fc042223 sw zero,-60(s0)
10098: fc042423 sw zero,-56(s0)
1009c: fe042423 sw zero,-24(s0)
100a0: fe842783 lw a5,-24(s0)
100a4: 00679793 slli a5,a5,0x6
100a8: fef42223 sw a5,-28(s0)
100ac: fec42783 lw a5,-20(s0)
100b0: fe442703 lw a4,-28(s0)
100b4: 00ff7f33 and t5,t5,a5
100b8: 00ef6f33 or t5,t5,a4
100bc: fc042623 sw zero,-52(s0)
100c0: fcc42783 lw a5,-52(s0)
100c4: 00379793 slli a5,a5,0x3
100c8: faf42a23 sw a5,-76(s0)
100cc: fc042823 sw zero,-48(s0)
100d0: fd042783 lw a5,-48(s0)
100d4: 00479793 slli a5,a5,0x4
100d8: faf42c23 sw a5,-72(s0)
100dc: fc042a23 sw zero,-44(s0)
100e0: fd442783 lw a5,-44(s0)
100e4: 00579793 slli a5,a5,0x5
100e8: faf42e23 sw a5,-68(s0)
100ec: fd842783 lw a5,-40(s0)
100f0: fb442703 lw a4,-76(s0)
100f4: 00ff7f33 and t5,t5,a5
100f8: 00ef6f33 or t5,t5,a4
100fc: fdc42783 lw a5,-36(s0)
10100: fb842703 lw a4,-72(s0)
10104: 00ff7f33 and t5,t5,a5
10108: 00ef6f33 or t5,t5,a4
1010c: fe042783 lw a5,-32(s0)
10110: fbc42703 lw a4,-68(s0)
10114: 00ff7f33 and t5,t5,a5
10118: 00ef6f33 or t5,t5,a4
1011c: 001f7793 andi a5,t5,1
10120: fcf42023 sw a5,-64(s0)
10124: 002f7793 andi a5,t5,2
10128: fcf42223 sw a5,-60(s0)
1012c: 004f7793 andi a5,t5,4
10130: fcf42423 sw a5,-56(s0)
10134: fc042783 lw a5,-64(s0)
10138: 04079663 bnez a5,10184 <main+0x130>
1013c: 00100793 li a5,1
10140: fef42423 sw a5,-24(s0)
10144: fe842783 lw a5,-24(s0)
10148: 00679793 slli a5,a5,0x6
1014c: fef42223 sw a5,-28(s0)
10150: fec42783 lw a5,-20(s0)
10154: fe442703 lw a4,-28(s0)
10158: 00ff7f33 and t5,t5,a5
1015c: 00ef6f33 or t5,t5,a4
10160: 00100793 li a5,1
10164: fcf42623 sw a5,-52(s0)
10168: fcc42783 lw a5,-52(s0)
1016c: 00379793 slli a5,a5,0x3
10170: faf42a23 sw a5,-76(s0)
10174: fd842783 lw a5,-40(s0)
10178: fb442703 lw a4,-76(s0)
1017c: 00ff7f33 and t5,t5,a5
10180: 00ef6f33 or t5,t5,a4
10184: fc442783 lw a5,-60(s0)
10188: 04079663 bnez a5,101d4 <main+0x180>
1018c: 00100793 li a5,1
10190: fef42423 sw a5,-24(s0)
10194: fe842783 lw a5,-24(s0)
10198: 00679793 slli a5,a5,0x6
1019c: fef42223 sw a5,-28(s0)
101a0: fec42783 lw a5,-20(s0)
101a4: fe442703 lw a4,-28(s0)
101a8: 00ff7f33 and t5,t5,a5
101ac: 00ef6f33 or t5,t5,a4
101b0: 00100793 li a5,1
101b4: fcf42823 sw a5,-48(s0)
101b8: fd042783 lw a5,-48(s0)
101bc: 00479793 slli a5,a5,0x4
101c0: faf42c23 sw a5,-72(s0)
101c4: fdc42783 lw a5,-36(s0)
101c8: fb842703 lw a4,-72(s0)
101cc: 00ff7f33 and t5,t5,a5
101d0: 00ef6f33 or t5,t5,a4
101d4: fc842783 lw a5,-56(s0)
101d8: 04079663 bnez a5,10224 <main+0x1d0>
101dc: 00100793 li a5,1
101e0: fef42423 sw a5,-24(s0)
101e4: fe842783 lw a5,-24(s0)
101e8: 00679793 slli a5,a5,0x6
101ec: fef42223 sw a5,-28(s0)
101f0: fec42783 lw a5,-20(s0)
101f4: fe442703 lw a4,-28(s0)
101f8: 00ff7f33 and t5,t5,a5
101fc: 00ef6f33 or t5,t5,a4
10200: 00100793 li a5,1
10204: fcf42a23 sw a5,-44(s0)
10208: fd442783 lw a5,-44(s0)
1020c: 00579793 slli a5,a5,0x5
10210: faf42e23 sw a5,-68(s0)
10214: fe042783 lw a5,-32(s0)
10218: fbc42703 lw a4,-68(s0)
1021c: 00ff7f33 and t5,t5,a5
10220: 00ef6f33 or t5,t5,a4
10224: fc042783 lw a5,-64(s0)
10228: ee078ae3 beqz a5,1011c <main+0xc8>
1022c: fc442783 lw a5,-60(s0)
10230: ee0786e3 beqz a5,1011c <main+0xc8>
10234: fc842783 lw a5,-56(s0)
10238: ee0782e3 beqz a5,1011c <main+0xc8>
1023c: fe042423 sw zero,-24(s0)
10240: fe842783 lw a5,-24(s0)
10244: 00679793 slli a5,a5,0x6
10248: fef42223 sw a5,-28(s0)
1024c: fec42783 lw a5,-20(s0)
10250: fe442703 lw a4,-28(s0)
10254: 00ff7f33 and t5,t5,a5
10258: 00ef6f33 or t5,t5,a4
1025c: fc042623 sw zero,-52(s0)
10260: fcc42783 lw a5,-52(s0)
10264: 00379793 slli a5,a5,0x3
10268: faf42a23 sw a5,-76(s0)
1026c: fc042823 sw zero,-48(s0)
10270: fd042783 lw a5,-48(s0)
10274: 00479793 slli a5,a5,0x4
10278: faf42c23 sw a5,-72(s0)
1027c: fc042a23 sw zero,-44(s0)
10280: fd442783 lw a5,-44(s0)
10284: 00579793 slli a5,a5,0x5
10288: faf42e23 sw a5,-68(s0)
1028c: fd842783 lw a5,-40(s0)
10290: fb442703 lw a4,-76(s0)
10294: 00ff7f33 and t5,t5,a5
10298: 00ef6f33 or t5,t5,a4
1029c: fdc42783 lw a5,-36(s0)
102a0: fb842703 lw a4,-72(s0)
102a4: 00ff7f33 and t5,t5,a5
102a8: 00ef6f33 or t5,t5,a4
102ac: fe042783 lw a5,-32(s0)
102b0: fbc42703 lw a4,-68(s0)
102b4: 00ff7f33 and t5,t5,a5
102b8: 00ef6f33 or t5,t5,a4
102bc: e61ff06f j 1011c <main+0xc8>
Using the python script
, the following unique instructions are observed:
Number of different instructions: 11
List of unique instructions:
The following code is used for spike simulation:
int main()
int test0, test1, test2, test3;
int ledpin_mask[3] = {0xFFFFFFF7, // LED0 - 11111111111111111111111111110111
0xFFFFFFEF, // LED1 - 11111111111111111111111111101111
0xFFFFFFDF}; // LED2 - 11111111111111111111111111011111
int buzzerpin_mask = 0xFFFFFFBF; // BUZZ - 11111111111111111111111110111111
// Output pins
int buzzerpin = 0;
int ledpin[3] = {0};
// Input pins
int magpin[3] = {0};
// Registers for each outputs
int buzzer_reg;
int led_reg[3];
buzzerpin = 0;
buzzer_reg = buzzerpin*64;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //BUZZER
:"r"(buzzerpin_mask), "r"(buzzer_reg)
ledpin[0] = 0;
led_reg[0] = ledpin[0]*8;
ledpin[1] = 0;
led_reg[1] = ledpin[1]*16;
ledpin[2] = 0;
led_reg[2] = ledpin[2]*32;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED0
:"r"(ledpin_mask[0]), "r"(led_reg[0])
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED1
:"r"(ledpin_mask[1]), "r"(led_reg[1])
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED2
:"r"(ledpin_mask[2]), "r"(led_reg[2])
asm volatile (
"addi %0, x30, 0\n\t"
printf("\nx30 reg value in setup = %d\n", test0);
printf("During Setup: Buzzer = %d, LED0 = %d, LED1 = %d, LED2 = %d\n", buzzerpin, ledpin[0], ledpin[1], ledpin[2]);
for(int i=0; i<1; i++){
// while(1){
// Read from the magnetic reed switches
asm volatile (
"andi %0, x30, 1" //MAG0
: "=r"(magpin[0])
asm volatile (
"andi %0, x30, 2" //MAG1
: "=r"(magpin[1])
asm volatile (
"andi %0, x30, 4" //MAG2
: "=r"(magpin[2])
asm volatile (
"addi %0, x30, 0\n\t"
printf("\nx30 reg value before = %d\n", test1);
magpin[0] = 0;
magpin[1] = 0;
magpin[2] = 0;
buzzerpin = 1;
buzzer_reg = buzzerpin*64;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //BUZZER
:"r"(buzzerpin_mask), "r"(buzzer_reg)
ledpin[0] = 1;
led_reg[0] = ledpin[0]*8;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED0
:"r"(ledpin_mask[0]), "r"(led_reg[0])
buzzerpin = 1;
buzzer_reg = buzzerpin*64;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //BUZZER
:"r"(buzzerpin_mask), "r"(buzzer_reg)
ledpin[1] = 1;
led_reg[1] = ledpin[1]*16;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED1
:"r"(ledpin_mask[1]), "r"(led_reg[1])
buzzerpin = 1;
buzzer_reg = buzzerpin*64;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //BUZZER
:"r"(buzzerpin_mask), "r"(buzzer_reg)
ledpin[2] = 1;
led_reg[2] = ledpin[2]*32;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED2
:"r"(ledpin_mask[2]), "r"(led_reg[2])
if(magpin[0] && magpin[1] && magpin[2]){
buzzerpin = 0;
buzzer_reg = buzzerpin*64;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //BUZZER
:"r"(buzzerpin_mask), "r"(buzzer_reg)
ledpin[0] = 0;
led_reg[0] = ledpin[0]*8;
ledpin[1] = 0;
led_reg[1] = ledpin[1]*16;
ledpin[2] = 0;
led_reg[2] = ledpin[2]*32;
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED0
:"r"(ledpin_mask[0]), "r"(led_reg[0])
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED1
:"r"(ledpin_mask[1]), "r"(led_reg[1])
asm volatile (
"and x30, x30, %0\n\t"
"or x30, x30, %1" //LED2
:"r"(ledpin_mask[2]), "r"(led_reg[2])
asm volatile(
"addi %0, x30, 0\n\t"
printf("\nx30 reg value after = %d\n", test2);
printf("After one loop: Buzzer = %d, LED0 = %d, LED1 = %d, LED2 = %d\n", buzzerpin, ledpin[0], ledpin[1], ledpin[2]);
return 0;
The above code is compiled and simulated with teh following commands:
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv64i -mabi=lp64 -ffreestanding -o out intruder_detector.c
spike $(which pk) out
Here different set of inputs are given for magpins. The outputs for all of them are correct as observed below:
For magpins = {1, 1, 1}:
For magpins = {0, 1, 1}:
For magpins = {1, 0, 1}:
For magpins = {1, 1, 0}:
For magpins = {0, 0, 0}:
Similarly the outputs of the x30 register is verfied for all other combinations.
Functional simulation is done in GTKWave and it's output waveform is shown below:
The below image shows the example where the last magpin is 0 and the rest are 1. As seen in the output the buzzerpin and the ledpin[0] is turned on as expected.
The below image shows the example where the magpin[1] is 0 and the rest are 1. As seen in the output the buzzerpin and the ledpin[1] is turned on as expected.
The below image shows the example where the last magpin[2] is 0 and the rest are 1. As seen in the output the buzzerpin and the ledpin[2] is turned on as expected.
The below image shows the example where all the magpins are 0. As seen in the output the buzzerpin and all the ledpins are turned on as expected.
The below image shows that the instruction number 0x00EF6F33 is executed after which the output pin value is changed. This is expected since the instruction is or x30, x30, x14
Synthesis transforms the simple RTL design into a gate-level netlist with all the constraints as specified by the designer. In simple language, Synthesis is a process that converts the abstract form of design to a properly implemented chip in terms of logic gates.
Synthesis takes place in multiple steps:
- Converting RTL into simple logic gates.
- Mapping those gates to actual technology-dependent logic gates available in the technology libraries.
- Optimizing the mapped netlist keeping the constraints set by the designer intact.
For the purposes of GLS testing, a separate synthesized processor verilog code was generated through Yosys using the following steps:
read_liberty -lib sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80_256.lib
read_verilog processor.v
synth -top wrapper
dfflibmap -liberty sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80_256.lib
abc -liberty sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80_256.lib
write_verilog synth_processor_test.v
The below commands were used to compile and simulate the synthesized netlist:
iverilog -o test synth_processor_test.v testbench.v sky130_sram_1kbyte_1rw1r_32x256_8.v sky130_fd_sc_hd.v primitives.v
gtkwave waveform.vcd
The outputs of GLS observed for different inputs are as follows:
The below image shows the example where the last magpin is 0 and the rest are 1. As seen in the output the buzzerpin and the ledpin[0] is turned on as expected.
The below image shows the example where the magpin[1] is 0 and the rest are 1. As seen in the output the buzzerpin and the ledpin[1] is turned on as expected.
The below image shows the example where the last magpin[2] is 0 and the rest are 1. As seen in the output the buzzerpin and the ledpin[2] is turned on as expected.
The below image shows the example where all the magpins are 0. As seen in the output the buzzerpin and all the ledpins are turned on as expected.
Below image shows the generated .dot file for the wrapper module.
Open-source chip development has become more accessible with the availability of RTL designs and EDA tools at no cost. The SKY130 PDK, a collaboration between Skywater Technologies and Google, plays a crucial role in this by offering an open-source platform. Initially, the design flow was unclear, and the SKY130 PDK was only compatible with industrial equipment. To address these issues, the OpenLane project was introduced. OpenLane is an automated RTL to GDSII flow that streamlines the chip design process. It's not a product but a collection of EDA tools, scripts, and optimized Skywater PDKs designed for use with open-source EDA tools.
The RTL to GDSII flow encompasses several essential stages in digital chip design.
- It commences with RTL design, capturing the circuit's functional behavior.
- RTL synthesis transforms this into a gate-level netlist, optimizing for area, power, and timing.
- Floor and power planning partition the chip's area, establish layout dimensions, and determine power distribution.
- Placement assigns physical coordinates to cells, aiming to minimize wirelength and optimize signal delay.
- Clock tree synthesis constructs an efficient clock distribution network, and routing connects components while adhering to design rules.
- Sign-off includes comprehensive verification.
- And finally, GDSII file generation produces the format for fabrication, containing geometric and mask details.
To include the requirements in the design keep your file structure as follows:
To prep the design and run flow in interactive mode type the following in Openlane terminal:
./flow.tcl -interactive
% package require openlane 0.9
% prep -design wrapper -verbose 99
Now to run synthesis, type the following:
Next, to run floorplan, type the following:
Post the floorplan run, a .def file will have been created within the results/floorplan directory. We may review floorplan files by checking the floorplan.tcl.
To view the floorplan: Magic is invoked after moving to the results/floorplan directory,then use the following command:
magic -T /home/aamod/Stoodies/wslfiles/Sem-7/Intruder_Detector/vsdstdcelldesign/libs/ lef read ../../tmp/merged.nom.lef def read wrapper.def &
Die area past floorplan is:
Core area post floorplan is:
Type in the following command to run the placement:
To view the placement: Magic is invoked after moving to the results/placement directory,then use the following command:
magic -T /home/aamod/Stoodies/wslfiles/Sem-7/Intruder_Detector/vsdstdcelldesign/libs/ lef read ../../tmp/merged.nom.lef def read wrapper.def &
To perform Clock Tree Synthesis, run the following command:
Timing reports post CTS:
Area reports post CTS:
Skew report post CTS:
Power report post CTS:
To implement routing between standard cells using the remaining available metal layers after CTS and PDN generation, run the following command:
To view the routing: Magic is invoked after moving to the results/routing directory,then use the following command:
magic -T /home/aamod/Stoodies/wslfiles/Sem-7/Intruder_Detector/vsdstdcelldesign/libs/ lef read ../../tmp/merged.nom.lef def read wrapper.def &
Area of Design:
Timing reports post routing:
Area reports post routing:
Skew report post routing:
Power report post routing:
As seen below, number of DRC violations is zero:
Given a clock period of 50 ns set in the config file, we get a setup slack of 13.88 ns after routing. Hence,
Max Performance = -------------------------------
clock period - slack(setup)
Max Performance = 27.685 Mhz
The link given below leads to the Openlane RUNS folder containing all the results of the flow: Sharepoint Link
- Kunal Ghosh, VSD Corp. Pvt. Ltd.
- Mayank Kabra,Founder,Chipcron Pvt.Ltd.
- Alwin Shaju, IIIT-B
- Kanish R, IIIT-B
- Skywater Foundry