- create OpenRtb Bid object
- receive Win and Billing notifications
- when system receive Win and Billing notification generate Payment event
- log all actions to monitoring system
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
bash run.sh N
, where N is number of DSP instances
All instances will be running on ports from 8081 to 808N
Example bash run.sh 5
. Five instances will be running:
- java -jar target/crypto.poc.dsp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=8081
- java -jar target/crypto.poc.dsp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=8082
- java -jar target/crypto.poc.dsp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=8083
- java -jar target/crypto.poc.dsp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=8084
- java -jar target/crypto.poc.dsp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=8085
- Method: GET
- Endpoint: \bid{impId}, where {impId} - impression id
- Example:
- Response: OpenRtb Bid object
id: "4b08b09d-236d-4921-ad39-220dae3a67d9", impid: "1", price: 91.0, nurl: "", iurl: "https://www.google.com.ua/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png", burl: ""
- Method: GET
- Endpoint: \win{impId}, where {impId} - impression id
- Example:
- Method: GET
- Endpoint: \billing{impId}, where {impId} - impression id
- Example: