Welcome to Vaxx.nz
The intuitive NZ COVID Vaccination Finder for New Zealand
Perhaps you visited bookmyvaccine.nz, only to find that all of the places closest to you are booked out weeks or months in advance?
In response to this, we've built vaxx.nz to make the experience of finding an earlier vaccine appointment close to you easier.
Choose your location, set the distance you wish to travel and it will show ALL of the earliest available vaccination slots using those search parameters. After you find the vaccine clinic with your desirable slot, you can proceed to bookmyvaccine.nz and book your appointment. We fetch data every 30 minutes from the official APIs, so slot information should be near real-time.
Over the course of one week, our team of 6 developers and 2 designers built a website to aide residents of New Zealand in booking their COVID-19 vaccine the intuitive way! Rather than selecting your location, and booking the next available slot, Vaxxed (aka. The Vaccination Calendar) let's you choose when you want to receive your vaccine at a provider near you. Eliminating the filtering hassle and subsequent frustration.
We automatically load any locations giving vaccines listed on bookmyvaccine.nz, but if you know of one we don't have add it on our spreadsheet and we will manually include it.
We recognise that the best projects aren't built alone. If you would like to contribute, check out the guides below:
Getting Started Guide / Developer Guide
Vaxx.nz has been featured in the following:
- NZ Business Desk: Developers build better vaccine booking website
- Stuff New Zealand: Covid-19: 'Hackathon' creates faster way to find a Covid-19 vaccine near you
- 1 News (TVNZ): Kiwi friends build website to help speed up vaccinations
- ZM Radio Shout-out!
- David Farrier on Twitter: Powerful and wonderful tool for new zealanders trying to get vaccinated
- The Project (Mediaworks)
Following our launch, we welcomed an average of 2,800 users every 30 minutes! All up, we helped over 29,000 people to explore vaccine availability options via our calendar.
Periodically updated JSON of all available slots: see raw data here