- This is a presentation I gave in Atlanta Cascade Server User's Conference on September 16, 2014.
- This is a an example of Ingesting a Banner output Schedule Classes into Cascade Server (Cascade SOAP Web Services - in JAVA)
- This Cascade SOAP Web Services program is developed based on Hannon Hill Web Services Java Sample Project. This example can be access at https://github.com/hannonhill/Webservices-Java-Sample-Project
- For detail setup and configuration you can go to the above like (https://github.com/hannonhill/Webservices-Java-Sample-Project) and configure your machine based on the detail steps.
This section assumes that you have configure your computer (based on README.md at https://github.com/hannonhill/Webservices-Java-Sample-Project) and To get started, you need
- Make sure to configure your environment based HH Web Services Java Sample Project (install Eclipse, Maven, and Git)
- Copy/download this ScheduleImporter from the source tree
- Create and setup all necessary cascade assets (Data Definition, Contenttype, site, parent folders).
- Sample Data Definition can be found at /PresentationMaterial/scheduleClassDataDefinition.xml
- Format your csv file based on the xml output in cascade. Sample CSV file can be found at /PresentationMaterial/shceduleDataSample.csv
- In Eclipse open ScheduleWriter.java and change the credentials and service locator for your cascade instance
- Right click the CourseAndScheduleImporter.java class > Run as... > Java Application
page.setContentTypeId("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); //enter cascade contenttype id - PROD
page.setParentFolderId("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); //enter cascade parentfolder id - PROD
page.setSiteId("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); //enter cascade site id - PROD
page.setContentTypeId("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); //enter cascade contenttype id - QA
page.setParentFolderId("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); //enter cascade parentfolder id - QA
page.setSiteId("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); //enter cascade site id - QA
AssetOperationHandlerServiceLocator serviceLocator = new AssetOperationHandlerServiceLocator();
AssetOperationHandler handler = serviceLocator.getAssetOperationService();