This allows you to unlock your computer with an NFC or RFID tag. Programmed using Circuit Python on a RP2040 Zero board from AliExpress, it conencts to a RC522 RFID Reader. This uses the Adafruit_hid.keyboard Circuit Python library to input the password as text to the computer.
Copy the CircuitPython_Device folder to your RP2040 Zero. All needed libaries are included there. Boot.Py prevents your RP2040 Zero from showing up as a USB Flash Drive in File Explorer.
- RP2040 Zero
- RC522 RFID Reader
- Computer with Thonny
- Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico is a good guide to start with
- Piezo Buzzer
- 10k Ohm Resistor (optional to limit volume of buzzer)
- Common Cathode RGB LED (definently can be switches to Common Anthode LED) - Optional, not pictured
- 3x 200 Ohm Resistors for RGB LED
Steps to set up:
- Connect RC522 RFID Reader to your RP2040 Zero.
- Download CircuitPython_Device and open Code.Py in Thonny. Copy lib folder to Circuit Python device with Thonny (see Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico)
- Run the Code
- Scan your RFID/NFC cards/fobs
- Copy the card/fob ID into line 27
- Insert your password or passcode into line 68
- Save to RP2040 Zero