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abadp edited this page May 22, 2015 · 3 revisions

Step 1: Get It

You will need a Git client in order to do so. If you have little idea about DVCS, we suggest to take a look at Git tutorial out there.

  clone command

Step 2: Compile It

The code is structured in 4 directories:

  • src includes the implementation of all classes, i.e., .cpp
  • inc includes the specification of all classes, i.e., .hpp
  • sgm includes SGML samples of different router microarchitectures, networks, etc...
  • mak is where the simulator has to be compiled

Therefore, we do the following

shell$ cd tpzsimul/mak
shell$ make -j 8

The host class will be identified and suitable compilation options are set. By default, Makefile assumes gcc. You can change it editing the $(HOST_TYPE) entry in Makefile.

When the compilation ends, a tpzsimul/mak/$(HOST_TYPE)/ directory with all objects and tpzlib.a is created. The final executable is copied to tpzsimul/mak/ as TPZSimul.

Step 3: Use It

To use it, you have to edit TPZSimul.ini file. This file indicates to TOPAZ where the SGML configuration files are located. It admits relative or absolute paths. This file should be located in the $(PWD) where you want to run the simulation. By default it contains:

<!-- See for more information -->
<RouterFile      id="../sgm/Router.sgm"  >
<NetworkFile     id="../sgm/Network.sgm" >
<SimulationFile  id="../sgm/Simula.sgm"  >

You have to indicate at TPZSimul.ini which simulation do you want to run (which is one of the entries of the file <SimulationFile id="..." >). If you do not indicate the simulation, TOPAZ will list all of them.

shell$ ./TPZSimul 
 File=     ../src/TPZBuilder.cpp
 Line=     282
 Text=     TPZBuilder: Does not exist any SGML component with id="(null) " (cont...)
 Help=     Avaliable Simulation (M44-CT-NOC , M44-CT-MC-NOC , M44-WH-NOC , M44-WH-MC-NOC , 
M44-WH-BASE , M44-VC-22 , M44-VC-OPT-22 , M44-VC-MUX-22 , M44-VC-MUX-OPT-22 , T44-VC-22 , 
T44-VC-MUX-22 , MW16-CT-NOC , MW32-WH-NOC , SMW64-CT-NOC , SMW64-VC-22 , M44-CT-BUF-XBAR ,  )

Lets assume we want to use the first simulation, overwriting Simula.sgm simulation cycles, applied load and traffic pattern (more info about command line options). We have to write:

shell$ ./TPZSimul -s M44-CT-NOC -c 100000 -l 0.1 -t RANDOM -D

The output will be:

******************* NET CONFIGURATION *********************
 Network        : Mesh(4,4,1)
 Buffer control : CT
 Routing control: MESH-DOR
 Started at     : Fri Feb  3 14:11:09 2012
 Ended at       : Fri Feb  3 14:11:09 2012
 Simulation time         = 00:00:08 (8 secs)
 Memory Footprint        = 16.5781 MBytes)
 Traffic Pattern         =  Random
 Seed                    = 113
 Cycles simulated        = 100000
 Cycles deprecated       = 0
 Buffers size            = 11
 Messages length         = 1 packet(s)
 Packets length          = 5 flits
************************ PERFORMANCE ***********************
 Supply Thr. Norm        = 0.199238 flits/cycle/router 
 Accept Thr. Norm        = 0.199219 f/c/r (m: 0.1938, M:0.2058)
 Supply Thr.             = 3.1878 f/c
 Throughput              = 3.1875 f/c (m: 3.1008, M:3.2928)
 Average Distance        = 2.6562
 Messages generated      = 63756
 Messages received       = 63750
 Messages to inject      = 2
 Total message latency   = 22.6377
 Network message latency = 21.1245
 Buffer message latency  = 1.51324
 Maximum message latency = 58
 Last Message cycle      = 99997

If you want extended output:

shell$ ./TPZSimul -s M44-CT-NOC -c 100000 -l 0.1 -t RANDOM -D -X

The output will be:

******************* NET CONFIGURATION *********************
 Network        : Mesh(4,4,1)
 Buffer control : CT
 Routing control: MESH-DOR
 Started at     : Fri Feb  3 14:12:18 2012
 Ended at       : Fri Feb  3 14:12:18 2012
 Simulation time         = 00:00:08 (8 secs)
 Memory Footprint        = 16.5625 MBytes)
 Traffic Pattern         =  Random
 Seed                    = 113
 Cycles simulated        = 100000
 Cycles deprecated       = 0
 Buffers size            = 11
 Messages length         = 1 packet(s)
 Packets length          = 5 flits
************************ PERFORMANCE ***********************
 Supply Thr. Norm        = 0.199238 flits/cycle/router 
 Accept Thr. Norm        = 0.199219 f/c/r (m: 0.1938, M:0.2058)
 Supply Thr.             = 3.1878 f/c
 Throughput              = 3.1875 f/c (m: 3.1008, M:3.2928)
 Average Distance        = 2.6562
 Messages generated      = 63756
 Messages received       = 63750
 Messages to inject      = 2
 Total message latency   = 22.6377
 Network message latency = 21.1245
 Buffer message latency  = 1.51324
 Maximum message latency = 58
 Last Message cycle      = 99997

****************** VIRTUAL NETWORK 1 *********************
Average_distance_vn_1        = 2.65487
Messages_generated_vn_1      = 12522
Messages_received_vn_1       = 12520
Total_message_latency_vn_1   = 22.8965
Network_message_latency_vn_1 = 21.3847
Buffer_message_latency_vn_1  = 1.51182
Maximin_message_latency_vn_1 = 56

****************** VIRTUAL NETWORK 2 *********************
Average_distance_vn_2        = 2.66391
Messages_generated_vn_2      = 12941
Messages_received_vn_2       = 12940
Total_message_latency_vn_2   = 22.6938
Network_message_latency_vn_2 = 21.1926
Buffer_message_latency_vn_2  = 1.50124
Maximin_message_latency_vn_2 = 52

****************** VIRTUAL NETWORK 3 *********************
Average_distance_vn_3        = 2.65021
Messages_generated_vn_3      = 12861
Messages_received_vn_3       = 12859
Total_message_latency_vn_3   = 22.5755
Network_message_latency_vn_3 = 21.0713
Buffer_message_latency_vn_3  = 1.50416
Maximin_message_latency_vn_3 = 58

****************** VIRTUAL NETWORK 4 *********************
Average_distance_vn_4        = 2.66315
Messages_generated_vn_4      = 12795
Messages_received_vn_4       = 12795
Total_message_latency_vn_4   = 22.6188
Network_message_latency_vn_4 = 21.0904
Buffer_message_latency_vn_4  = 1.52841
Maximin_message_latency_vn_4 = 55

****************** VIRTUAL NETWORK 5 *********************
Average_distance_vn_5        = 2.6487
Messages_generated_vn_5      = 12637
Messages_received_vn_5       = 12636
Total_message_latency_vn_5   = 22.4062
Network_message_latency_vn_5 = 20.8854
Buffer_message_latency_vn_5  = 1.52081
Maximin_message_latency_vn_5 = 54

******************* INJECION MAP (flits/cycle) ***********

************************** Z=0 **************************
0.2058	0.2006	0.20025	0.1938
0.20245	0.20255	0.20035	0.19585
0.20085	0.1995	0.1961	0.19775
0.196	0.19405	0.2024	0.1995

****************** CONSUMPTION MAP (flits/cycle) ********

************************** Z=0 **************************
0.1966	0.2015	0.19675	0.195
0.20045	0.20035	0.2047	0.19755
0.1971	0.2033	0.19805	0.1944
0.203	0.19645	0.2018	0.2005

****************** LINK USAGE MAP (%) *******************

************************** Z=0 **************************
0.080955	0.132587	0.1325	0.078475
0.133187	0.18665	0.184812	0.13045
0.133637	0.185625	0.184695	0.13085
0.078475	0.132025	0.132937	0.078925
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