##Prerequisites :
- Have node.js installed
- Have gulp globally installed :
npm -install gulp -g
##The application is composed with following folders :
- source : contain source files
- build : contain build files (minified for CSS/HTML/JS)
- builder : source code for launching main tasks
- doc : contain source documentation
- exe : contain Node-Webkit generated executable
##How it works :
- To launch the gulp build process, execute
- To launch the node webkit build process, execute
. The executable will be found in the exe folder
##What gulp will do for you :
- Minify JS, CSS and HTML files automatically when files are changed
- Generate documentation, using YUIDOC synthax
##What the SAPUI5 application contains :
- Some custom functions in the ext/DataUtil.js file
- The Lodash tool library
- FR and EN languages properties files
- Two controller/views to have an example of navigation
- An example of data loading for data/demo.json