This is a fork of WeebDataHoarder. It extends the original Dockerfile to R55 (VapourSynth) and adds some more VapourSynth plugins. It is useful to create a docker container to run VapourSynth headless on a server remotely (batch mode, ...). Besides VapourSynth, the Dockerfile features several video encoding / processing / filtering utilities.
docker build -t encoder .
docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/mount/on/container:/mnt encoder
# define $output and $output-av-mux files initially
# vspipe/ vapoursynth cannot output a + v at the same time
# encode separately and then mux
# video with output mp4
vspipe vapoursynth-config.vpy | vspipe -o 0 -c y4m "vapoursynth-config.vpy" - | ffmpeg -nostdin -i - -c:v libx264 "$output.mp4"
# audio with output aac
vspipe $vapoursynth-config.vpy
vspipe -o 1 -c wav "vapoursynth-config.vpy" - | ffmpeg -nostdin -i - -c:a aac "$output.aac"
# av mux
ffmpeg -nostdin -i "$output.mp4" -i "$output.aac" -c:v copy -c:a copy -disposition:a:1 default "$output-av-mux.mp4"
vapoursynth-config.vpy (example: wav audio + vob video + deinterlacing with QTGMC + subtitles with assrender)
import vapoursynth as vs
import sys
# path to folder with
import havsfunc
core = vs.core
haf = havsfunc
# input wav file
audio = core.bas.Source('inputfile.wav', track=-1)
# input video file - here d2v file for vob files
video = core.d2v.Source(input=r'inputfile.d2v')
# do deinterlacing with QTGMC
video = haf.QTGMC(video, Preset='Slow', TFF=True)
# add subtitles in ass format
video = core.assrender.TextSub(clip=video, file=r'subtitlefile.ass')
# set output
Tool | Kind | Notes |
ffmpeg | General Tools | static build from git snapshot. Can be accessed via $ ffmpeg |
Sushi | Subtitle Syncing | Automatic shifter for SRT and ASS subtitle based on audio streams. Can be accessed via $ sushi |
MKVToolNix 68.0.0 | Matroska Tools | Creating and working with Matroska files. |
MediaInfo v22.06 | General Tools | Convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. |
x264 stable | H.264 Encoder | x264, the best and fastest H.264 encoder. Can be accessed via $ x264 |
x264 master | H.264 Encoder | Can be accessed via $ x264-dev |
x265 3.5 | H.265/HEVC Encoder | |
aom v3.4.0 | AV1 Encoder/Decoder | Can be accessed via $ aomenc or $ aomdec |
SVT-AV1 v1.1.0 | AV1 Encoder/Decoder | Can be accessed via $ SvtAv1EncApp or $ SvtAv1DecApp |
rav1e p20220614 | AV1 Encoder | Can be accessed via $ rav1e |
uvg266 v0.4.0 | H.266/VVC Encoder | Can be accessed via $ uvg266 or $ uvg266-10bit |
vvenc v1.4.0 | H.266/VVC Encoder | Fraunhofer Versatile Video Encoder (VVenC). Can be accessed via $ vvencapp or $ vvencFFapp |
xeve v0.3.4 | MPEG-5 EVC Encoder | eXtra-fast Essential Video Encoder, MPEG-5 EVC (Essential Video Coding). Can be accessed via $ xeveb or $ xeve |
FDK-AAC master | AAC-LC/HE/HEv2 Encoder | Fraunhofer FDK AAC code from Android. Can be accessed via $ aac-enc |
Av1an fork | Encoding Tools | Cross-platform command-line AV1 / VP9 / HEVC / H264 encoding framework with per scene quality encoding. Can be accessed via $ av1an .Contains custom changes to add distributed encoding. |
vmaf v2.3.1 | Processing Tools | Perceptual video quality assessment based on multi-method fusion. Can be accessed via $ vmaf |
VapourSynth R55 | Processing Tools | Can be accessed via $ vspipe |
L-SMASH-Works | VapourSynth Plugin | |
d2vsource v1.2 | VapourSynth Plugin | D2V parser and decoder for VapourSynth |
VapourSynth-TDeintMod r10.1 | VapourSynth Plugin | TDeint filter for VapourSynth |
fmtconv r28 | VapourSynth Plugin | Format conversion tools for Vapoursynth and Avisynth+ |
vapoursynth-mvtools | VapourSynth Plugin | Motion compensation and stuff |
VapourSynth-FFT3DFilter 64323f0 | VapourSynth Plugin | VapourSynth port of FFT3DFilter |
znedi3 r2.1 | VapourSynth Plugin | nnedi3 filter |
descale r7 | VapourSynth Plugin | VapourSynth plugin to undo upscaling |
flash3kyuu_deband | VapourSynth Plugin | A deband library and filter for avisynth/vapoursynth |
VapourSynth-BM3D r9 | VapourSynth Plugin | BM3D denoising filter for VapourSynth |
VapourSynth-DFTTest r7 | VapourSynth Plugin | DFTTest filter for VapourSynth |
VapourSynth-Yadifmod r10.1 | VapourSynth Plugin | Yadifmod filter for VapourSynth |
ffms2 2.40 | VapourSynth Plugin | An FFmpeg based source library and Avisynth/VapourSynth plugin for easy frame accurate access |
havsfunc 3b6a80 | VapourSynth Functions | Holy's ported AviSynth functions for VapourSynth |
mvsfunc 90e185 | VapourSynth Functions | mawen1250's VapourSynth functions |
fvsfunc 29ced9 | VapourSynth Functions | Small collection of VapourSynth functions |
muvsfunc 6158bf | VapourSynth Functions | Muonium's VapourSynth functions |
AddGrain | VapourSynth Plugin | adding random noise to film |
Bwdif | VapourSynth Plugin | Motion adaptive deinterlacing using yadif/ w3fdif/ cubic interpolation |
CAS | VapourSynth Plugin | contrast adaptive sharpening |
CTMF | VapourSynth Plugin | Constant-time median filtering |
DCTFilter | VapourSynth Plugin | 8x8 block/ Discrete Cosine Transform |
Deblock | VapourSynth Plugin | deblocking filter of h264 |
EEDI2 | VapourSynth Plugin | resizes/ edge-directed interpolation for deinterlacing |
EEDI3 | VapourSynth Plugin | de-interlacing by minimizing a cost function |
fluxsmooth | VapourSynth Plugin | smoothing of fluctuations |
hqdn3d | VapourSynth Plugin | 3-way low-pass filter |
KNLMeansCL | VapourSynth Plugin | non-local means denoising |
miscfilters | VapourSynth Plugin | various filters (obsolete?) |
NNEDI3CL | VapourSynth Plugin | intra-field only deinterlacer |
removegrain | VapourSynth Plugin | remove grain |
sangnom | VapourSynth Plugin | single field de-interlacer using edge-directed interpolation |
sangnom modded | VapourSynth Plugin | de-interlacing/ luma/chroma anti-aliasing |
TTempSmooth | VapourSynth Plugin | motion adaptive temporal smoothing |
bestaudiosource | VapourSynth Plugin | allow audio usage within VapourSynth |
assrender | VapourSynth Plugin | insert subtitles of ssa/ass/srt type |
The two patch files contain the changes compared to WeebDataHoarder's original repo: