The repository has codes of our online learning method based on optimizer-driven sampling.
To run the scripts in TableI and TableII. First you need to install mystic and its requirements:
highly-constrained non-convex optimization and uncertainty quantification
Adjustable settings are in, but are set at values used in manuscript. Results may be slightly different due to randomness from sampler and optimizer.
Executes with:
$ python
and may take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days, depending on the model and tolerance used, and randomness. Relevant information is printed to stdout, and also dumped into several files:
- cost.pkl: the objective function
- hist.pkl: historical testing misfit
- size.pkl: historical endpoint cache size
- score.txt: convergence of the test score versus model evaluations
- stop: a database of the endpoints of the optimizers
- func.db: a database of the learned surrogates
- eval: a database of evaluations of the objective
Any of the "pkl" files can be read like this:
>>> import dill
>>> cost = dill.load(open('cost.pkl', 'rb'))
while relevant results from the databases are plotted with:
and test score convergence is plotted with:
python plot_* (* = loose, tight)
with "loose" corresponding to loose tolerance, and tight to strict tolerance.