The wallet system that transacts create a wallet, debit wallet , credit wallet, and activate and deactivate the wallet and many features,
- Nodejs,
- Express,
- Sequelise ORM
- Sequelise-cli e.t.c
You will need NodeJS and MYSQL,
Clone the repo and install the dependencies.
git clone
Install the dependencies
npm i
# create .env file,
# copy data in .env.example to .env file created
# set the values for the variables
Database services configuration
# create Database if not exist
npm run db:create
# Drop database services
npm run db:drop
# Run migration
npm run db:migration
# Seed demo data
npm run db:seed
Run the development version of the App
npm run dev
Rebuild documentation
npm run docs
Run Automated test
npm run test
Start the application in production
npm start
Abduljeleel | email [email protected]