a c++ web application
This is CGI based dictionary web app using "the GNU collaborative international dictionary of English", C++ and pugiXML library
Using pugiXML (XML parsing API for C++) I wrote a web application which searches in dictionary XML files I downloaded named GCIDE.
It is CGI (google it) based; so that server can host the CGI file I compiled (not .exe) for browser.
Headers, cpp files and XML folder should be copied to cgi-bin folder of the server (and compile using ssh or x64 PC :( I don't know where did I use x64 variables but this works only on x64 PC but I'm sure It'll work after being compiled by ssh's gcc though they are x86 or whatever).
Whenever in a mood to change the web design/functionality just recompile the cgidict.cpp file with changes (assuming you know CGI) along with pugixml.cpp file linked together.
Note: I just made this project to learn about CGI and for the sake of making C++ web app when I was learning php too. So search feature is not that accurate. Free to distribute/sell/edit etc.