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Local Development Setup

NOTE: Do not update any of the ENV files for this particular configuration. ( Except the mount path for problems )

  1. Update the ##YOUR_LOCAL_PATH_TO_PROBLEMS_DIR## in the .env file which is resides in same level of your docker-compose.yml file
  2. Start the services
docker-compose up -d
  1. Install dependencies
pnpm install
  1. Copy env files
cp apps/web/.env.example apps/web/.env
cp packages/db/.env.example packages/db/.env
cp apps/boilerplate-generator/.env.example apps/boilerplate-generator/.env
  1. Update the mount path in the apps/web/.env
  2. Migrate Database and install local package
pnpm run db:migrate
  1. Start Dev
pnpm dev

UI Parameters

  1. Here are the theme and color which used in this project.
dark: "#262626" # page bg
editor: "hsl(0deg 0% 14.9%)" #code editor bg
slate: "hsl(0deg 0% 20%)" #editor top bar

How to Generate Boilerplate code

First add some problems and then you can run this command.

cd /apps/boilerplate-generator
pnpm run build
pnpm run boiler:generate

Now to we have to add that problem into database for that

cd /packages/db
pnpm run db:seed


Thanks to these wonderful people for contributing to the project:

Feel free to contribute by submitting a pull request.