This project is to develop a Data Warehouse infrastructure. For this, I used Luigi for Data Pipeline, PostgreSQL as a Backend Database, and Metabase library for Data Insights Dashboard.
Below are the three main components of this project.
Build a data pipeline to store the provided data in a data store. This should be representative of a miniature data warehouse.
Anomaly Detection such as questionable data values, missing data etc.
Data Insight to the merchant for improving her/his business.
The system is developed and tested on the environment with the below configurations.
- macOS: For development & testing (Recommended)
- Ubuntu 16.04.4: For further testing
- Python 3.5.2
- PostgreSQL
- Metabase: Download the jar file (version: 0.28.6) from here.
- Java SE 1.8
- Postico: PostgreSQL Client for macOS (Optional)
- pip
Please install below set of python3 modules. Please install if any missing dependency for below modules.
pip3 install luigi
pip3 install psycopg2
pip3 install pandas
pip3 install mlxtend
pip3 install pycountry
Once all required softwares and modules are installed. Now its time to bring the system up.
- Check if PostgreSQL server is up and running
brew services list
- To start PostgreSQL server
brew services start postgresql
- Login to postgres user
psql postgres
- Create user called "abhishekzambre"
sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive
- Set password for user "abhishekzambre" to "sky" (without quotes)
\password abhishekzambre
- Create a new database called "sales_dw"
createdb sales_dw
Please note, above three steps are necessary in order for Metabase to run properly. If you create user with different name, set different password, or created database with different name, then you will have to update data source configurations of Metabase accordingly.
- Use below command if you want to enter interactive postgres session
- Use below command to start luigi daemon. Once it is up and running, navigate to http://localhost:8082/
- Please make sure the link is working
- Download the jar file (version: 0.28.6) from here
- Once downloaded, keep the jar file in the Metabase directory of provided source code of this project
- Make sure metabase.db.trace.db and files are present in the Metabase directory
- Please note all three files (jar and db) needs to be placed in same directory
- Use below command to start Metabase instance. Once it is up and running, navigate to http://localhost:3000/
- Please make sure the link is working
- User credentials can be found in the credentials section
- Unzip the provided source code zip file
- Make sure file is present
- Program expects a directory called data, which will contain data dumps in directory with name in YYYY_MM_DD format (for ex. data/2018_03_30/)
- Place all csv files in directory
- Directory contains should look like below
data\2018_03_30\customer_info.csv data\2018_03_30\invoice.csv
- We are now ready to execute the program
- Execute below command, and check Luigi UI link for status updates
PYTHONPATH='.' luigi --module data_pipeline CompleteDataDumpLoad
--date 2018-03-30
- For running program locally (i.e. without UI updates), use below command
PYTHONPATH='.' luigi --module data_pipeline CompleteDataDumpLoad
--local-scheduler --date 2018-03-30
- Navigae to Luigi UI, which should display task status as below
- Click on "Actions" link of DataDump task to see Dependency Graph (uncheck "Hide Done", and check "Show Upstream Dependencies")
- Click on "Actions" link of CompleteDataDumpLoad task, (uncheck "Hide Done", and change Visualisation Type to "D3", to get details pipeline view)
Launch PostgreSQL client, and look for below list of tables
- customer_info
- invoice
- invoice_time
- product_info
- association_rules
- invoice_outliers
If any table is missing, check luigi logs for any errors or exception
- Navigate to Metabase dashboard, and enter the provided credentials
- Once logged in, click on "Dashboards" on upper-left corner, and click on "Data Insights" dashboard
- Admin user: abhishekzambre
- Password: sky
- Admin User: [email protected]
- Password: skyrim@123
- Business Owner User: [email protected]
- Password: FoE7IIcLO6q74g
For any issue or feedback, please feel free to contact me.
- Abhishek Zambre -