diagrams.net (formerly draw.io) is free online diagram software. You can use it as a flowchart maker, network diagram software, to create UML online, as an ER diagram tool, to design database schema, to build BPMN online, as a circuit diagram maker, and more. diagrams.net can import .vsdx, Gliffyâ„¢ and Lucidchartâ„¢ files.
In this repository:
- diagrams.net docker image that is always up-to-date with diagrams.net releases
- diagrams.net export server image which allow exporting diagrams.net diagrams to pdf and images
- docker-compose to run diagrams.net with the export server
- docker-compose to run diagrams.net integrated within nextcloud
- docker-compose to run diagrams.net with PlantUML support
- docker-compose to run diagrams.net self-contained without any dependency on diagrams.net website (with the export server, plantUml, Google Drive support, OneDrive support, and EMF conversion support (for VSDX export)
The Dockerfile builds from tomcat:9-jre11-slim
and tomcat:9-jre8-alpine
(see https://hub.docker.com/_/tomcat/)
Forked from fjudith/draw.io
- Based on Tomcat so it can be used directly or behind a reverse-proxy
- Self-Signed certificate autogen
- Let's encrypt certificate autogen
- Support SSL Keystore mount to
Run the container.
docker run -it --rm --name="draw" -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 jgraph/drawio
Start a web browser session to http://localhost:8080/?offline=1&https=0 or https://localhost:8443/?offline=1
If you're running Docker Toolbox
then start a web browser session to or
is a security feature that disables support of cloud storage.
- LETS_ENCRYPT_ENABLED: Enables Let's Encrypt certificate instead of self-signed; default
- PUBLIC_DNS: DNS domain to be used as certificate "CN" record; default
- ORGANISATION_UNIT: Organisation unit to be used as certificate "OU" record; default
Cloud Native Application
- ORGANISATION: Organisation name to be used as certificate "O" record; default
example inc
- CITY: City name to be used as certificate "L" record; default
- STATE: State name to be used as certificate "ST" record; default
- COUNTRY_CODE: Country code to be used as certificate "C" record; default
- KEYSTORE_PASS: ".keystore"/.jks" store password; default
- KEY_PASS: Private key password; default
- A Linux machine connected to the Internet with ports 443 and 80 open
- A domain/subdomain name pointing to this machine's IP address. (e.g., drawio.example.com)
- Using jgraph/drawio docker image, run the following command
docker run -it -m1g -e LETS_ENCRYPT_ENABLED=true -e PUBLIC_DNS=drawio.example.com --rm --name="draw" -p 80:80 -p 443:8443 jgraph/drawio
Notice that mapping port 80 to container's port 80 allows certbot to work in stand-alone mode. Mapping port 443 to container's port 8443 allows the container tomcat to serve https requests directly.
- Edit PreConfig.js & PostConfig.js files (next to Dockerfile in debian or alpine folders)
- Build the docker image
- Edit PreConfig.js & PostConfig.js files (next to Dockerfile in debian or alpine folders)
- Copy these files to docker container
docker cp PreConfig.js draw:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/draw/js/
docker cp PostConfig.js draw:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/draw/js/
- This method allows changing the configuration files directly on the host without invoking any other docker commands. It can be used for testing
- Edit PreConfig.js & PostConfig.js files (next to Dockerfile in debian or alpine folders)
- From within the directory that contained the configuration files, run the following command to start docker container
- Note: self-contained docker-compose file already mount the configuration files into the container
docker run -it --rm --name="draw" --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/PreConfig.js,target=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/draw/js/PreConfig.js --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/PostConfig.js,target=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/draw/js/PostConfig.js -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 fjudith/draw.io