This is a very esay simple application DistributedCaching with Redis For Learn
A distributed cache is a cache shared by multiple app servers, typically maintained as an external service to the app servers that access it. A distributed cache can improve the performance and scalability of an ASP.NET Core app
Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.StackExchangeRedis .
Tech Specification |
EFCore7 |
Redis |
Net7 |
1.Install Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.StackExchangeRedis nuget package.
- configure the Redis service with AddStackExchangeRedisCache(in Program file or Startup)
services.AddStackExchangeRedisCache(options =>
{ options.Configuration = Configuration.GetConnectionString("RedisConnection"); });
3.Add Connection into appsettings.json
Implement all of Methods IDistributedCache For projects(Set, Get, Remove,...)
Create a list of CacheKey per Cache
public static readonly string PersonCacheKey = "Personall";
6.Use Cache in mvc(in Controller,Action)
private readonly IDistributedCache _DistributedCache;
public PersonController(IDistributedCache DistributedCache )
{ _DistributedCache = DistributedCache; }
b.Add Items(Check Exists Cache Based on Key and use SetAsync)
if (!_DistributedCache.TryGetValue(ListCache.PersonCacheKey, out IEnumerable<PersonDto>? PersonDtos))
var Persons = unitOfWork.Person.GetAll();
var newperson = _mapper.Map<List<PersonDto>>(Persons);
await _DistributedCache.SetAsync(ListCache.PersonCacheKey, newperson);
return View(newperson);
return View(PersonDtos);